Michael S. Worden
Michael S. Worden
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience (Research), Brown University
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Anticipatory biasing of visuospatial attention indexed by retinotopically specific alpha-band electroencephalography increases over occipital cortex.
MS Worden, JJ Foxe, N Wang, GV Simpson
The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for …, 2000
The effect of preceding context on inhibition: an event-related fMRI study
S Durston, KM Thomas, MS Worden, Y Yang, BJ Casey
Neuroimage 16 (2), 449-453, 2002
The relation of brain oscillations to attentional networks
J Fan, J Byrne, MS Worden, KG Guise, BD McCandliss, J Fossella, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (23), 6197-6206, 2007
Evidence of developmental differences in implicit sequence learning: an fMRI study of children and adults
KM Thomas, RH Hunt, N Vizueta, T Sommer, S Durston, Y Yang, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 16 (8), 1339-1351, 2004
Parametric manipulation of conflict and response competition using rapid mixed-trial event-related fMRI
S Durston, MC Davidson, KM Thomas, MS Worden, N Tottenham, ...
Neuroimage 20 (4), 2135-2141, 2003
Objects are highlighted by spatial attention
A Martínez, W Teder-Sälejärvi, M Vazquez, S Molholm, JJ Foxe, DC Javitt, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 18 (2), 298-310, 2006
Temporal course of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics and amyloid accumulation in the aging rat brain from three to thirty months
C Chiu, MC Miller, IN Caralopoulos, MS Worden, T Brinker, ZN Gordon, ...
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 9, 1-8, 2012
Neural systems underlying lexical competition: An eye tracking and fMRI study
G Righi, SE Blumstein, J Mertus, MS Worden
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22 (2), 213-224, 2010
Neurobiology of attention and automaticity
W Schneider, M Pimm-Smith, M Worden
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 4 (2), 177-182, 1994
Inattentional amnesia to words in a high attentional load task
M Ruz, MS Worden, P Tudela, BD McCandliss
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17 (5), 768-776, 2005
Context modulates early stimulus processing when resolving stimulus-response conflict
G Scerif, MS Worden, M Davidson, L Seiger, BJ Casey
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 18 (5), 781-792, 2006
Not all attention orienting is created equal: Recognition memory is enhanced when attention orienting involves distractor suppression
J Markant, MS Worden, D Amso
Neurobiology of learning and memory 120, 28-40, 2015
ERP correlates of anticipatory attention: spatial and non-spatial specificity and relation to subsequent selective attention
CL Dale, GV Simpson, JJ Foxe, TL Luks, MS Worden
Experimental brain research 188, 45-62, 2008
Cognitive task design for fMRI
M Worden, W Schneider
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 6 (2‐3), 253-270, 1995
Luxotonic signals in human prefrontal cortex as a possible substrate for effects of light on mood and cognition
S Sabbah, MS Worden, DD Laniado, DM Berson, JN Sanes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (28), e2118192119, 2022
The dynamics of the spread of selective visual attention
MS Worden, JJ Foxe
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (21), 11933-11935, 2003
Determining the locus of attentional selection with functional magnetic resonance imaging
M Worden, W Schneider, R Wellington
NeuroImage 3 (3), S244, 1996
Visual perceptual learning of a primitive feature in human V1/V2 as a result of unconscious processing, revealed by decoded functional MRI neurofeedback (DecNef)
Z Wang, M Tamaki, SM Frank, K Shibata, MS Worden, T Yamada, ...
Journal of Vision 21 (8), 24-24, 2021
Objects are highlighted by spatial attention
J Cogn Neurosci 18, 298310, 2006
Spatial Attention, Neural Basis of
MS Worden, A Martinez, MI Posner
Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, 2006
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Articles 1–20