Rajashri Khanai
Rajashri Khanai
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, KLE Technological University, Belagavi Campus, India
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Cited by
Cognitive radio spectrum sensing: A survey
N Muchandi, R Khanai
2016 International conference on electrical, electronics, and optimization …, 2016
A survey on semantic communications for intelligent wireless networks
S Iyer, R Khanai, D Torse, RJ Pandya, KM Rabie, K Pai, WU Khan, ...
Wireless Personal Communications 129 (1), 569-611, 2023
Security frameworks for mobile cloud computing: A survey
P Kulkarni, R Khanai, G Bindagi
2016 international conference on electrical, electronics, and optimization …, 2016
Classification of epileptic seizures using recurrence plots and machine learning techniques
DA Torse, R Khanai, VV Desai
2019 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP …, 2019
Addressing mobile cloud computing security issues: a survey
P Kulkarni, R Khanai
2015 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP …, 2015
A survey on secured wireless body sensor networks
SG Mavinkattimath, R Khanai, DA Torse
2019 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP …, 2019
A review on seizure detection systems with emphasis on multi-domain feature extraction and classification using machine learning
D Torse, V Desai, R Khanai
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 8 (4), 109-129, 2017
An art of speech recognition: a review
B Jolad, R Khanai
2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication …, 2019
Localization, routing and its security in UWSN—A survey
SS Shahapur, R Khanai
2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization …, 2016
Underwater sensor network at physical, data link and network layer-a survey
SS Shahapur, R Khanai
2015 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP …, 2015
An approach for speech enhancement with dysarthric speech recognition using optimization based machine learning frameworks
B Jolad, R Khanai
International Journal Of Speech Technology 26 (2), 287-305, 2023
Optimal feature selection for COVID-19 detection with CT images enabled by metaheuristic optimization and artificial intelligence
DA Torse, R Khanai, K Pai, S Iyer, S Mavinkattimath, R Kallimani, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 82 (26), 41073-41103, 2023
Machine learning application for automotive emission prediction
S Kangralkar, R Khanai
2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 1-5, 2021
A comparative analysis of hybrid encryption technique for images in the cloud environment
P Kulkarni, R Khanai, G Bindagi
2020 International conference on communication and signal processing (ICCSP …, 2020
An optimized design of seizure detection system using joint feature extraction of multichannel EEG signals
D Torse, V Desai, R Khanai
Journal of biomedical research 34 (3), 191, 2020
Classification of EEG signals in a seizure detection system using dual tree complex wavelet transform and least squares support vector machine
D Torse, V Desai, R Khanai
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 10 (1), 56-64, 2018
Performance Analysis of Underwater Acoustic Communication using IDMA-OFDM-MIMO with Reed Solomon and Turbo Code
SSSDT Rajashri Khanai
I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, 10 (12), 41-46, 2018
Performance analysis of conventional crypto-coding
R Khanai, GH Kulkarni, DA Torse
International Journal of Latest Trends in Computing 193, 193-197, 2011
Design and characteristics mode analysis of a cantor set fractal monopole antenna for IoT applications
G Kalkhambkar, R Khanai, P Chindhi
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C 119, 161-175, 2022
Simulation of hardware accelerator for wireless body sensor network
SG Mavinkattimath, R Khanai
Wireless Personal Communications 122 (1), 477-487, 2022
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Articles 1–20