On the extent and nature of software reuse in open source java projects L Heinemann, F Deissenboeck, M Gleirscher, B Hummel, M Irlbeck Top Productivity through Software Reuse: 12th International Conference on …, 2011 | 116 | 2011 |
New opportunities for integrated formal methods M Gleirscher, S Foster, J Woodcock ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52 (6), 1-36, 2019 | 68 | 2019 |
Toward a holistic and standardized automotive architecture description M Broy, M Gleirscher, S Merenda, D Wild, P Kluge, W Krenzer Computer 42 (12), 98-101, 2009 | 63 | 2009 |
Formal methods in dependable systems engineering: a survey of professionals from Europe and North America M Gleirscher, D Marmsoler Empirical Software Engineering 25, 4473-4546, 2020 | 60* | 2020 |
A modular digital twinning framework for safety assurance of collaborative robotics JA Douthwaite, B Lesage, M Gleirscher, R Calinescu, JM Aitken, ... Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 758099, 2021 | 53 | 2021 |
Automotive Architecture Framework: Towards a Holistic and Standardised System Architecture Description. White paper M Broy, M Gleirscher, P Kluge, W Krenzer, S Merenda, D Wild http://mediatum2.ub.tum.de/node?id=1094456, 2009 | 48* | 2009 |
Challenges in the Safety-Security Co-Assurance of Collaborative Industrial Robots M Gleirscher, N Johnson, P Karachristou, R Calinescu, J Law, J Clark The 21st Century Industrial Robot: When Tools Become Collaborators 81 (arXiv …, 2021 | 44 | 2021 |
Integration of formal proof into unified assurance cases with Isabelle/SACM S Foster, Y Nemouchi, M Gleirscher, R Wei, T Kelly Formal Aspects of Computing 33 (6), 855-884, 2021 | 37 | 2021 |
Introduction of static quality analysis in small-and medium-sized software enterprises: experiences from technology transfer M Gleirscher, D Golubitskiy, M Irlbeck, S Wagner Software Quality Journal 22, 499-542, 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
Isabelle/SACM: Computer-assisted assurance cases with integrated formal methods Y Nemouchi, S Foster, M Gleirscher, T Kelly Integrated Formal Methods: 15th International Conference, IFM 2019, Bergen …, 2019 | 27* | 2019 |
Specifying properties of dynamic architectures using configuration traces D Marmsoler, M Gleirscher Theoretical Aspects of Computing–ICTAC 2016: 13th International Colloquium …, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
Hybrid systems verification with Isabelle/HOL: Simpler syntax, better models, faster proofs S Foster, JJ Huerta y Munive, M Gleirscher, G Struth Formal Methods: 24th International Symposium, FM 2021, Virtual Event …, 2021 | 25 | 2021 |
Arguing from hazard analysis in safety cases: a modular argument pattern M Gleirscher, C Carlan 2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering …, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Evolution of formal model-based assurance cases for autonomous robots M Gleirscher, S Foster, Y Nemouchi Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 17th International Conference, SEFM …, 2019 | 24 | 2019 |
Verified synthesis of optimal safety controllers for human-robot collaboration M Gleirscher, R Calinescu, J Douthwaite, B Lesage, C Paterson, J Aitken, ... Science of Computer Programming 218, 102809, 2022 | 20 | 2022 |
Hazard-based selection of test cases M Gleirscher Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test …, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
Manifesto for Applicable Formal Methods M Gleirscher, J van de Pol, J Woodcock Software and Systems Modelling 22, 1737-1749, 2023 | 19 | 2023 |
Safety controller synthesis for collaborative robots M Gleirscher, R Calinescu 2020 25th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer …, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
Towards Formal Verification of Control Algorithms for Autonomous Marine Vehicles SD Foster, M Gleirscher, R Calinescu Proceeding of the 25th International Conference on Engineering of Complex …, 2020 | 19* | 2020 |
On the benefit of automated static analysis for small and medium-sized software enterprises M Gleirscher, D Golubitskiy, M Irlbeck, S Wagner Software Quality. Process Automation in Software Development: 4th …, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |