Oh-Sang Kwon
Cited by
Cited by
Ageing vision and falls: a review
LN Saftari, OS Kwon
Journal of physiological anthropology 37, 1-14, 2018
Unifying account of visual motion and position perception
OS Kwon, D Tadin, DC Knill
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (26), 8142-8147, 2015
Recovering stereo vision by squashing virtual bugs in a virtual reality environment
I Vedamurthy, DC Knill, SJ Huang, A Yung, J Ding, OS Kwon, D Bavelier, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
The brain uses adaptive internal models of scene statistics for sensorimotor estimation and planning
OS Kwon, DC Knill
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (11), E1064-E1073, 2013
Fitts’s Law and speed/accuracy trade-offs during sequences of saccades: Implications for strategies of saccadic planning
CC Wu, OS Kwon, E Kowler
Vision research 50 (21), 2142-2157, 2010
Attractive and repulsive effects of sensory history concurrently shape visual perception
J Moon, OS Kwon
BMC biology 20 (1), 247, 2022
Illusory movement of stationary stimuli in the visual periphery: Evidence for a strong centrifugal prior in motion processing
R Zhang, OS Kwon, D Tadin
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (10), 4415-4423, 2013
Especial skill effect across age and performance level: the nature and degree of generalization
SH Czyż, G Breslin, O Kwon, M Mazur, K Kobiałka, Z Pizlo
Journal of motor behavior 45 (2), 139-152, 2013
Human motor transfer is determined by the scaling of size and accuracy of movement
OS Kwon, HN Zelaznik, G Chiu, Z Pizlo
Journal of motor behavior 43 (1), 15-26, 2010
Hisva: A visual analytics system for studying history
D Han, G Parsad, H Kim, J Shim, OS Kwon, KA Son, J Lee, I Cho, S Ko
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (12), 4344-4359, 2021
Visual uncertainty influences the extent of an especial skill
SH Czyż, OS Kwon, J Marzec, P Styrkowiec, G Breslin
Human movement science 44, 143-149, 2015
Atypical visual motion-prediction abilities in autism spectrum disorder
WJ Park, KB Schauder, OS Kwon, L Bennetto, D Tadin
Clinical Psychological Science 9 (5), 944-960, 2021
Temporal dynamics of visual attention allocation
J Moon, S Choe, S Lee, OS Kwon
Scientific Reports 9 (3664), 2019
A key role of orientation in the coding of visual motion direction
J Moon, D Tadin, OS Kwon
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2022
Testing the efficacy of vision training for presbyopia: alternating-distance training does not facilitate vision improvement compared to fixed-distance training
SJ Liza, S Choe, OS Kwon
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 260 (5), 1551-1563, 2022
Towards Visualization Thumbnail Designs That Entice Reading Data-Driven Articles
H Kim, J Kim, Y Han, H Hong, OS Kwon, YW Park, N Elmqvist, S Ko, ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023
Design of auditory P300-based brain-computer interfaces with a single auditory channel and no visual support
YJ Choi, OS Kwon, SP Kim
Cognitive Neurodynamics 17 (6), 1401-1416, 2023
Breakdown of long-range spatial correlations of infraslow amplitude fluctuations of EEG oscillations in patients with current and past major depressive disorder
D Sihn, JS Kim, OS Kwon, SP Kim
Frontiers in Psychiatry 14, 1132996, 2023
Integration of position and predictive motion signals in aging vision
HJ Jeon, Y Yun, OS Kwon
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-11, 2020
Strong evidence for ideomotor theory: Unwilled manifestation of the conceptual attribute in movement control
YK Shin, S Choe, OS Kwon
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1066839, 2023
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