Dr Mohsin Masood
Cited by
Cited by
Emotion classification and crowd source sensing; a lexicon based approach
R Kamal, MA Shah, C Maple, M Masood, A Wahid, A Mehmood
IEEE Access 7, 27124-27134, 2019
Energy efficient software defined networking algorithm for wireless sensor networks
M Masood, MM Fouad, S Seyedzadeh, I Glesk
Transportation Research Procedia 40, 1481-1488, 2019
An improved particle swarm algorithm for multi-objectives based optimization in MPLS/GMPLS networks
M Masood, MM Fouad, R Kamal, I Glesk, IU Khan
IEEE Access 7, 137147-137162, 2019
Analysis of artificial intelligence-based metaheuristic algorithm for MPLS network optimization
M Masood, MM Fouad, I Glesk
2018 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2018
A comprehensive study of Routing Protocols Performance with Topological Changes in the Networks
PIG Mohsin Masood, M. Abuhelala
International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System 5 …, 2016
Proposing bat inspired heuristic algorithm for the optimization of GMPLS networks
M Masood, MM Fouad, I Glesk
2017 25th Telecommunication Forum (TELFOR), 1-4, 2017
A Pareto based approach with elitist learning strategy for MPLS/GMPS networks
M Masood, MM Fouad, I Glesk
2017 9th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC), 71-76, 2017
Pareto based bat algorithm for multi objectives multiple constraints optimization in GMPLS networks
M Masood, MM Fouad, I Glesk
The International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and …, 2018
Multiple solutions based particle swarm optimization for cluster-head-selection in wireless-sensor-network
S Jan, M Masood
2021 International Conference on Digital Futures and Transformative …, 2021
Detailed analysis of routing protocols with different network limitations
M Masood, M Abuhelala, I Glesk
20th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of …, 2016
Analysis and comparison of a proposed mutation operator and its effects on the performance of genetic algorithm
S Ullah, A Salam, M Masood
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 25 (2 …, 2022
A modified whale optimization algorithm for enhancing the features selection process in machine learning
EU Syed, M Masood, MM Fouad, I Glesk
2021 29th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 1-4, 2021
Genetic Drift and its Effects on the Performance of Genetic Algorithm (GA)
S Ullah, M Masood
2023 International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Industry (ICRAI …, 2023
A comprehensive study of Routing Protocols Performance with Topological Changes in the Networks
M Masood, M Abuhelala, I Glesk
International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology, 2016
Multiprotocol label switching network optimization by metaheuristic algorithms
M Masood
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Articles 1–15