Rahul Das
Rahul Das
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Mechanism for activation of the EGF receptor catalytic domain by the juxtamembrane segment
N Jura, NF Endres, K Engel, S Deindl, R Das, MH Lamers, DE Wemmer, ...
Cell 137 (7), 1293-1307, 2009
Architecture and Membrane Interactions of the EGF Receptor
A Arkhipov, Y Shan, R Das, NF Endres, MP Eastwood, DE Wemmer, ...
Cell 152 (3), 557-569, 2013
Conformational Coupling across the Plasma Membrane in Activation of the EGF Receptor
NF Endres, R Das, AW Smith, A Arkhipov, E Kovacs, Y Huang, JG Pelton, ...
Cell 152 (3), 543-556, 2013
cAMP activation of PKA defines an ancient signaling mechanism
R Das, V Esposito, M Abu-Abed, GS Anand, SS Taylor, G Melacini
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (1), 93, 2007
Chemical genomics in Escherichia coli identifies an inhibitor of bacterial lipoprotein targeting
R Pathania, S Zlitni, C Barker, R Das, DA Gerritsma, J Lebert, E Awuah, ...
Nature chemical biology 5 (11), 849-856, 2009
Understanding the molecular basis for the inhibition of the Alzheimer's Aβ-peptide oligomerization by human serum albumin using saturation transfer difference and off-resonance …
J Milojevic, V Esposito, R Das, G Melacini
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (14), 4282-4290, 2007
Regulation of the catalytic activity of the EGF receptor
NF Endres, K Engel, R Das, E Kovacs, J Kuriyan
Current opinion in structural biology 21 (6), 777-784, 2011
Analysis of the role of the C-terminal tail in the regulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor
E Kovacs, R Das, Q Wang, TS Collier, A Cantor, Y Huang, K Wong, ...
Molecular and cellular biology 35 (17), 3083-3102, 2015
The projection analysis of NMR chemical shifts reveals extended EPAC autoinhibition determinants
R Selvaratnam, B VanSchouwen, F Fogolari, MT Mazhab-Jafari, R Das, ...
Biophysical journal 102 (3), 630-639, 2012
Structural analysis of autoinhibition in the Ras-specific exchange factor RasGRP1
JS Iwig, Y Vercoulen, R Das, T Barros, A Limnander, Y Che, JG Pelton, ...
Elife 2, e00813, 2013
Dynamically driven ligand selectivity in cyclic nucleotide binding domains
R Das, S Chowdhury, MT Mazhab-Jafari, S SilDas, R Selvaratnam, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (35), 23682-23696, 2009
The auto-inhibitory role of the EPAC hinge helix as mapped by NMR
R Selvaratnam, MT Mazhab-Jafari, R Das, G Melacini
PloS one 7 (11), e48707, 2012
Entropy-driven cAMP-dependent allosteric control of inhibitory interactions in exchange proteins directly activated by cAMP
R Das, MT Mazhab-Jafari, S Chowdhury, S SilDas, R Selvaratnam, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (28), 19691-19703, 2008
Communication between Tandem cAMP Binding Domains in the Regulatory Subunit of Protein Kinase A-Iα as Revealed by Domain-silencing Mutations
ET McNicholl, R Das, S SilDas, SS Taylor, G Melacini
Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (20), 15523, 2010
Understanding cAMP-dependent allostery by NMR spectroscopy: comparative analysis of the EPAC1 cAMP-binding domain in its apo and cAMP-bound states
MT Mazhab-Jafari, R Das, SA Fotheringham, S SilDas, S Chowdhury, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (46), 14482-14492, 2007
Mapping allostery through equilibrium perturbation NMR spectroscopy
R Das, M Abu-Abed, G Melacini
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (26), 8406-8407, 2006
Degradation of MAC13243 and studies of the interaction of resulting thiourea compounds with the lipoprotein targeting chaperone LolA
CA Barker, SE Allison, S Zlitni, ND Nguyen, R Das, G Melacini, ...
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 23 (8), 2426-2431, 2013
A model for agonism and antagonism in an ancient and ubiquitous cAMP-binding domain
R Das, G Melacini
Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (1), 581-593, 2007
Definition of an electrostatic relay switch critical for the cAMP‐dependent activation of protein kinase A as revealed by the D170A mutant of RIα
M Abu‐Abed, R Das, L Wang, G Melacini
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 69 (1), 112-124, 2007
A novel protein tyrosine phosphatase like phytase from Lactobacillus fermentum NKN51: cloning, characterization and application in mineral release for food technology applications
R Sharma, P Kumar, V Kaushal, R Das, NK Navani
Bioresource technology 249, 1000-1008, 2018
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Articles 1–20