Lluvia Morales
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Cited by
On the use of case-based planning for e-learning personalization
A Garrido, L Morales, I Serina
Expert Systems with Applications 60, 1-15, 2016
Thermal remote sensing in the framework of the SEN2FLEX project: field measurements, airborne data and applications
JA Sobrino, JC Jiménez‐Muñoz, G Sòria, M Gómez, AB Ortiz, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (17-18), 4961-4991, 2008
Automatic generation of temporal planning domains for e-learning problems
L Castillo, L Morales, A González-Ferrer, J Fdez-Olivares, D Borrajo, ...
Journal of Scheduling 13, 347-362, 2010
Using AI planning to enhance e-learning processes
A Garrido, L Morales, I Serina
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2012
E-learning and intelligent planning: Improving content personalization
A Garrido, L Morales
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 9 (1), 1-7, 2014
Thermal remote sensing from Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner data in the framework of the SPARC and SEN2FLEX projects: an overview
JA Sobrino, JC Jiménez-Muñoz, PJ Zarco-Tejada, G Sepulcre-Cantó, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 (11), 2031-2037, 2009
Selección de temas de Pedagogía Especial
L Morales, S Akudovich, MT Ferrer, R López, R Álvarez
La Habana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación, 1992
On the automatic compilation of e-learning models to planning
A Garrido, S Fernández, L Morales, E Onaindía, D Borrajo, L Castillo
The Knowledge Engineering Review 28 (2), 121-136, 2013
Modeling e-learning activities in automated planning
A Garrido, E Onaindia, L Morales, L Castillo, S Fernández, D Borrajo
Proceedings of the 3rd International Competition on Knowledge Engineering …, 2009
Automatic generation of user adapted learning designs: An AI-planning proposal
L Morales, L Castillo, J Fernandez-Olivares, A Gonzalez-Ferrer
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: 5th International …, 2008
Planning and execution in a personalised e-learning setting
L Morales, A Garrido, I Serina
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 14th Conference of the Spanish …, 2011
Planning for conditional learning routes
L Morales, L Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares
MICAI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 8th Mexican International …, 2009
Knowledge engineering and planning for the automated synthesis of customized learning designs
L Castillo, L Morales, A González-Ferrer, J Fernández-Olivares, ...
Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, 40-49, 2007
Consideraciones sobre la evaluación de la eficiencia relativa de los hospitales colombianos
H Mora, LG Morales
Universitas Económica 9 (3), 21-39, 1997
Towards the use of xpdl as planning and scheduling modeling tool: the workflow patterns approach
A González-Ferrer, J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo, L Morales
Advances in Artificial Intelligence–IBERAMIA 2008: 11th Ibero-American …, 2008
Evaluación de líneas avanzadas de triticale (X. Triticosecale Wittmack) y Avena (Avena sativa) en tres localidades de la comarca lagunera
LR Morales
Tesis de Licenciatura. UAAAN Buenavista, Saltillo, Coah., México, 2003
Aplicación de la evaluación 360 para conocer el desempeño de los trabajadores de una empresa metal–mecánica
L Lara, C Moras, L Morales, J Galán
Revista de la ingenieria industrial 4 (1), 1-12, 2010
Path planning for a mobile robot using genetic algorithm and artificial bee colony
EAS Carballo, L Morales, F Trujillo-Romero
2017 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive …, 2017
Use of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in diets of broiler chickens: effects on growth performance, immunity and bone calcification
VG Gómez, LR Morales, GE Avila
J. Appl. Poult. Res 50, 60-64, 2013
Modelo de corrección de errores en funciones de oferta de trigo a nivel regional en Chile
L Morales, W Foster
Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 29 (2), 101-114, 2002
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Articles 1–20