Julia Grass
Cited by
Cited by
Cognitive investments in academic success: The role of need for cognition at university
J Grass, A Strobel, A Strobel
Frontiers in psychology 8, 790, 2017
Need for cognition as a moral capacity
A Strobel, J Grass, R Pohling, A Strobel
Personality and Individual Differences 117, 42-51, 2017
Thinking in action: Need for cognition predicts self-control together with action orientation
J Grass, F Krieger, P Paulus, S Greiff, A Strobel, A Strobel
PloS one 14 (8), e0220282, 2019
No relation of Need for Cognition to basic executive functions
A Gärtner, J Grass, M Wolff, T Goschke, A Strobel, A Strobel
Journal of Personality 89 (6), 1113-1125, 2021
These pretzels are going to make me thirsty tomorrow: Differential development of hot and cool episodic foresight in early childhood?
CEV Mahy, J Grass, S Wagner, M Kliegel
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 32 (1), 65-77, 2014
Freude am Denken als Schlüssel zum Erfolg? Die Bedeutung von Need for Cognition für subjektives Erleben und Leistung im Studium
J Grass, N John, A Strobel
Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 2018
Thinking to promote happiness: Need for cognition, subjective well-being, and burnout in different populations
J Grass, J Dörendahl, T Losereit, S Greiff, A Strobel
Journal of Research in Personality 105, 104383, 2023
The joy of thinking as the key to success? The importance of Need for Cognition for subjective experience and achievement in academic studies
J Grass, N John, A Strobel
Zeitschrift Fur Padagogische Psychologie 32 (3), 145-154, 2018
A Question of Method and Subjective Beliefs
J Grass, S Scherbaum, A Strobel
Journal of Individual Differences, 2022
Need for Cognition aus einer Anwendungs-und Grundlagenperspektive
J Grass
Dissertation TU Chemnitz, 2018
Cognitive engagement and subjective well-being in adults: Exploring the role of domain-specific need for cognition
J Grass, A Strobel
Journal of Intelligence 12 (11), 110, 2024
Measurement Matters: How Need for Cognition relates to Self-Control.
J Grass, A Strobel
ISSID Conference 2019, Florenz 157, 2019
The relation between Self-Control, Need for Cognition and Action Orientation in secondary school students: A conceptual replication study
J Colling, R Wollschläger, U Keller, J Grass, A Strobel, F Preckel, ...
PloS one 18 (6), e0286714, 2023
Cognition vs. Motivation: How NFC relates to intelligence and other basic cognitive abilities
J Grass, A Strobel
Poster, 15. Conference on Personality and Psychological Assessment (DPPD), 2019
Die Vorhersage von Selbstkontrolle durch Need for Cognition: Generalisierbarkeit und Erklärungsansätze
J Grass, F Krieger, PC Paulus, S Greiff, A Strobel, A Strobel
51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Frankfurt, 2018
Data and Material for" Thinking in Action: Need for Cognition Predicts Self-Control Together with Action Orientation"
A Strobel, J Grass
Technische Universität Dresden, 2018
Corrigendum: Cognitive Investments in Academic Success: The Role of Need for Cognition at University
J Grass, A Strobel, A Strobel
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 1272, 2017
Don’t panic!? Need for Cognition as individual resource using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic
J Grass, E Botes, S Greiff, A Strobel, J Grass
OSF, 0
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Articles 1–18