Gopakumar R
Cited by
Cited by
Investigating thermoacoustic instability mitigation dynamics with a Kuramoto model for flamelet oscillators
AK Dutta, G Ramachandran, S Chaudhuri
Physical Review E 99 (3), 032215, 2019
Mitigating instability by actuating the swirler in a combustor
R Gopakumar, S Mondal, R Paul, S Mahesh, S Chaudhuri
Combustion and Flame 165, 361-363, 2016
Instability control by actuating the swirler in a lean premixed combustor
S Mahesh, R Gopakumar, BV Rahul, AK Dutta, S Mondal, S Chaudhuri
Journal of Propulsion and Power 34 (3), 708-719, 2018
On the interaction of swirling flames in a lean premixed combustor
G Ramachandran, AK Dutta, H Durairaj, S Chaudhuri
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 142 (3), 031006, 2020
Mitigating instability by actuating the swirler in a combustor
S Chaudhuri, R Gopakumar, S Mondal, R Paul, S Mahesh
US Patent App. 15/753,117, 2018
On the dynamics of instability mitigation by actuating swirler motion in a lean premixed turbulent combustor
R Gopakumar, R Belur Vishwanath, J Singh, A Dutta, S Chaudhuri
Gas Turbine India Conference 58509, V001T04A008, 2017
Dispersion, ignition, and combustion characteristics of low-pressure hydrogen-methane blends
G Ramachandran, ES Hecht
International Conference on Hydrogen Safety, Quebec City, Canada, 2023
Dispersion of under-expanded hydrogen-methane blended jets through a circular orifice
G Ramachandran, ES Hecht
International Conference on Hydrogen Safety, Quebec City, Canada, 2023
Blowoff Dynamics of Interacting Swirl Premixed Flames
G Ramachandran, S Kumar, A Dutta, C Sinha, S Chaudhuri
AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum 2179, 21, 2023
Dynamics of Actuated and Interacting Swirl Premixed Flames in Model Gas Turbine Combustors
R Gopakumar
On the Interaction of Swirling Flames in a Lean Premixed Combustor
G Ramachandran, AK Dutta, H Durairaj, S Chaudhuri
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 58615, V04AT04A041, 2019
Instability control by actuating the swirler in a lean premixed combustor
SC Mahesh S, Gopakumar R, Rahul B V, A K Dutta, S Mondal
National Aerospace Propulsion Conference (NAPC), 2017
On the dynamics of instability mitigation by actuating the swirler in a combustor
AK Dutta, R Gopakumar, BV Rahul, J Singh, S Chaudhuri
11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2017 2017, 2017
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Articles 1–13