M. Sergio Campobasso
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Cited by
Darrieus wind turbine blade unsteady aerodynamics: a three-dimensional Navier-Stokes CFD assessment
F Balduzzi, J Drofelnik, A Bianchini, G Ferrara, L Ferrari, MS Campobasso
Energy 128, 550-563, 2017
Linear frequency domain and harmonic balance predictions of dynamic derivatives
A Da Ronch, AJ McCracken, KJ Badcock, M Widhalm, MS Campobasso
Journal of Aircraft 50 (3), 694-707, 2013
Linear Frequency Domain and Harmonic Balance Predictions of Dynamic Derivatives
A Da Ronch, M Choreyshi, KJ Badcock, S Goertz, M Widhalm, RP Dwight, ...
28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 2010
The harmonic adjoint approach to unsteady turbomachinery design
MC Duta, MB Giles, MS Campobasso
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 40 (3‐4), 323-332, 2002
Effects of flow instabilities on the linear analysis of turbomachinery aeroelasticity
MS Campobasso, MB Giles
Journal of propulsion and power 19 (2), 250-259, 2003
Novel uncertainty propagation method for robust aerodynamic design
M Padulo, MS Campobasso, MD Guenov
AIAA journal 49 (3), 530-543, 2011
Comparative analysis of uncertainty propagation methods for robust engineering design
M Padulo, MS Campobasso, MD Guenov
International Conference on Engineering Design ICED07, 1-12, 2007
Stabilization of a linear flow solver for turbomachinery aeroelasticity using recursive projection method
MS Campobasso, MB Giles
AIAA journal 42 (9), 1765-1774, 2004
Turbulent Navier–Stokes analysis of an oscillating wing in a power-extraction regime using the shear stress transport turbulence model
MS Campobasso, A Piskopakis, J Drofelnik, A Jackson
Computers & Fluids 88, 136-155, 2013
Analysis of Unsteady Flows Past Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Airfoils Based on Harmonic Balance Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations With Low-Speed Preconditioning
MS Campobasso, MH Baba-Ahmadi
Journal of Turbomachinery 134 (6), 061020, 2012
Compressible Navier–Stokes analysis of an oscillating wing in a power-extraction regime using efficient low-speed preconditioning
MS Campobasso, J Drofelnik
Computers & Fluids 67, 26-40, 2012
Adjoint calculation of sensitivities of turbomachinery objective functions
MS Campobasso, MC Duta, MB Giles
Journal of propulsion and power 19 (4), 693-703, 2003
Machine learning-enabled prediction of wind turbine energy yield losses due to general blade leading edge erosion
L Cappugi, A Castorrini, A Bonfiglioli, E Minisci, MS Campobasso
Energy Conversion and Management 245, 114567, 2021
Parametric and comparative assessment of Navier-Stokes CFD methodologies for Darrieus wind turbine performance analysis
F Balduzzi, A Bianchini, FA Gigante, G Ferrara, MS Campobasso, ...
ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition …, 2015
Aerodynamic design optimization of wind turbine rotors under geometric uncertainty
MS Campobasso, E Minisci, M Caboni
Wind Energy 19 (1), 51-65, 2016
Analysis of the effect of mistuning on turbomachinery aeroelasticity
M Campobasso, M Giles
9th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and …, 2000
Turbulence modelling for RANS CFD analyses of multi-nozzle annular jet pump swirling flows
A Morrall, S Quayle, MS Campobasso
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 85, 108652, 2020
Comparative Assessment of the Harmonic Balance Navier-Stokes Technology for Horizontal and Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Aerodynamics
MS Campobasso, J Drofelnik, FA Gigante
Computers and Fluids 136, 354-370, 2016
Low-speed preconditioning for strongly coupled integration of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations and two-equation turbulence models
MS Campobasso, M Yan, A Bonfiglioli, FA Gigante, L Ferrari, F Balduzzi, ...
Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018
Three-dimensional aerodynamic analysis of a Darrieus wind turbine blade using computational fluid dynamics and lifting line theory
F Balduzzi, D Marten, A Bianchini, J Drofelnik, L Ferrari, MS Campobasso, ...
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 140 (2), 022602, 2018
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Articles 1–20