Sohair Negm
Sohair Negm
prof .Physical Engineering
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Shape and size dependence of the surface plasmon resonance of gold nanoparticles studied by Photoacoustic technique
TA El-Brolossy, T Abdallah, MB Mohamed, S Abdallah, K Easawi, S Negm, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 153, 361-364, 2008
Tuning photocurrent response through size control of CdTe quantum dots sensitized solar cells
A Badawi, N Al-Hosiny, S Abdallah, S Negm, H Talaat
Solar energy 88, 137-143, 2013
The sensitivity of the energy band gap to changes in the dimensions of the CdSe quantum rods at room temperature: STM and theoretical studies
H Talaat, T Abdallah, MB Mohamed, S Negm, MA El-Sayed
Chemical Physics Letters 473 (4-6), 288-292, 2009
Surface plasmon sensor for NO2 gas
AB El‐Basaty, TA El‐Brolossy, S Abdalla, S Negm, RA Abdella, H Talaat
Surface and Interface Analysis: An International Journal devoted to the …, 2008
Determination of thermophysical parameters of porous silicon using a photothermal technique
S Abdalla, K Easawi, S Negm, GM Youssef, TA El-Brolossy, H Talaat
Review of scientific instruments 74 (1), 848-850, 2003
Bilayer number driven changes in polarizability and optical property in ZnO/TiO2 nanocomposite films prepared by ALD
SS Fouad, B Parditka, M Nabil, E Baradács, S Negm, HE Atyia, Z Erdélyi
Optik 233, 166617, 2021
Photoacoustic and electron microscopic studies of reminerlized artificially carious enamel and dentin
TA El-Brolossy, S Abdalla, OE Hassanein, S Negm, H Talaat
Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 125, 685-688, 2005
Optical and thermophysical characterization of Fe3O4 nanoparticle
F Horia, K Easawi, R Khalil, S Abdallah, M El-Mansy, S Negm
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 956 (1), 012016, 2020
Surface modification of CdSe nanocrystals: Application to polymer solar cell
M Nabil, SA Mohamed, K Easawi, SSA Obayya, S Negm, H Talaat, ...
Current Applied Physics 20 (3), 470-476, 2020
Surface plasmon cobalt phthalocyanine sensor for no2 gas
A El-Basaty, T El-Brolossy, S Abdalla, S Negm, R Abdalla, H Talaat
Egypt. J. Solids Vol 29, 121-129, 2006
Thermal properties of hydrated cement pastes studied by the photoacoustic technique
A Abdelalim, S Abdallah, K Easawi, S Negm, H Talaat
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 214 (1), 012136, 2010
Micro-Raman analysis of polysilicon membranes deposited on porous silicon channels
H Talaat, S Negm, HE Schaffer, G Kaltsas, AG Nassiopoulou
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 266, 1345-1349, 2000
Surface plasmon resonance halfwidths as measured using attenuated total reflection, forward scattering and photoacoustics
S Negm, H Talaat
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1 (50), 10201, 1989
Effect of shape and interstice on surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of molecules adsorbed on gold nanoparticles in the near‐dipole and quadrupole regions
T Abdallah, TA El‐Brolosy, MB Mohamed, K Easawi, S Negm, H Talaat
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 43 (12), 1924-1930, 2012
Photoacoustic characterization of optical and thermal properties of CdSe quantum dots
TA El-Brolossy, S Abdallah, T Abdallah, MB Mohamed, S Negm, H Talaat
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 153, 365-368, 2008
Surface plasmons resonance technique for the detection of nicotine in cigarette smoke
T Abdallah, S Abdalla, S Negm, H Talaat
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 102 (3), 234-239, 2003
Impact of Au nanoparticles on the thermophysicalparameters of Fe3O4 nanoparticles for seawater desalination
M Nabil, F Horia, SS Fouad, S Negm
Optical Materials 128, 112456, 2022
Plasmonic absorption enhancement in Au/CdS nanocomposite
K Easawi, M Nabil, T Abdallah, S Negm, H Talaat
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 6, 25, 2012
Photoacoustic study of optical and thermal properties of CdTe quantum dots
A Badawi, N Al-Hosiny, S Abdallah, S Negm, H Talaat
J Mater Sci Eng A 2, 1-6, 2012
Radiative and non-radiative decay of surface plasmons in thin metal films
S Negm, H Talaat
Solid state communications 84 (1-2), 133-137, 1992
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Articles 1–20