Analytic properties of Schmidt pairs for a Hankel operator and the generalized Schur-Takagi problem VM Adamjan, DZ Arov, MG Kreĭn Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik 15, 31, 1971 | 952 | 1971 |
Infinite Hankel block matrices and related extension problems VM Adamjan, DZ Arov, MG Krein American Mathematical Society Translations 111, 133-156, 1978 | 392* | 1978 |
Infinite Hankel Matrices and Generalized Carathéodory-Fejér and I. Schur Problems, Func V Adamjan, D Arov, M Krein Anal. Appl 2, 269-281, 1968 | 325* | 1968 |
On unitary couplings of semiunitary operators VMA AN, DZ Arov Eleven papers in analysis 95, 75, 1970 | 153* | 1970 |
Spectral properties of a class of rational operator valued functions VM Adamjan, H Langer Journal of Operator Theory, 259-277, 1995 | 111 | 1995 |
Scattering matrices for micro schemes V Adamyan Operator Theory and Complex Analysis: Workshop on Operator Theory and …, 1992 | 71 | 1992 |
Existence and uniqueness of contractive solutions of some Riccati equations V Adamjan, H Langer, C Tretter Journal of Functional Analysis 179 (2), 448-473, 2001 | 62 | 2001 |
Hull-range potentials and MG Krein's formula for generalized resolvents VM Adamyan, BS Pavlov Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI 149, 7-23, 1986 | 62* | 1986 |
Spectral components of selfadjoint block operator matrices with unbounded entries V Adamyan, H Langer, R Mennicken, J Saurer Mathematische Nachrichten 178 (1), 43-80, 1996 | 60 | 1996 |
High-frequency electric conductivity of a collisional plasma VM Adamian, IM Tkachenko Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur 21, 417-425, 1983 | 60 | 1983 |
Phonons in graphene with point defects V Adamyan, V Zavalniuk Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (1), 015402, 2010 | 51 | 2010 |
IM Tkachenko RF dielectric constant of a collisional plasma VM Adamyan, T Meyer Fizika Plazmy 11, 826-835, 1985 | 51* | 1985 |
Lectures on physics of non-ideal plasmas, part I, Odessa State University, Odessa, 1988 VM Adamyan, IM Tkachenko Russian; Contrib. Plasma Phys 43, 252-7, 2003 | 49* | 2003 |
On a class of scattering operators and characteristic operator-functions of contractions VM Adamjan, DZ Arov Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 160, 9-12, 1965 | 42 | 1965 |
Nondegenerate unitary couplings of semiunitary operators VM Adamyan Functional Analysis and Its Applications 7 (4), 255-267, 1973 | 41 | 1973 |
Infinite Hankel matrices and generalized caretheodory-fejer and I. schur Problems VM Adamyan, DZ Arov, MG Krein Functional Analysis and Its Applications 2 (4), 269-281, 1968 | 41 | 1968 |
Solution of the truncated matrix Hamburger moment problem according to MG Krein VM Adamyan, IM Tkachenko Operator Theory and Related Topics: Proceedings of the Mark Krein …, 2000 | 37 | 2000 |
The RPA conductivity of fully ionized plasmas in a magnetic field VM Adamyan, Z Djuric, AM Ermolaev, AA Mihajlov, IM Tkachenko Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 27 (1), 111, 1994 | 37 | 1994 |
Lattice thermal conductivity of graphene with conventionally isotopic defects V Adamyan, V Zavalniuk Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (41), 415401, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
A trace formula for dissipative operators VM Adamjan, BS Pavlov Vestnik Leningrad Univ. Math 12, 85-91, 1980 | 35 | 1980 |