Marie Postma
Marie Postma
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Cited by
On polar questions
R Van Rooy, M Safarova
Semantics and linguistic theory, 292-309, 2003
The link between perception of clinical empathy and nonverbal behavior: The effect of a doctor’s gaze and body orientation
S Brugel, M Postma-Nilsenová, K Tates
Patient education and counseling 98 (10), 1260-1265, 2015
More than just gaze: An experimental vignette study examining how phone-gazing and newspaper-gazing and phubbing-while-speaking and phubbing-while-listening compare in their …
MMP Vanden Abeele, M Postma-Nilsenova
Communication research reports 35 (4), 303-313, 2018
Rises and falls. studies in the semantics and pragmatics of intonation
M Nilsenová
University of Amsterdam, 2006
On recognition of declarative questions in English
M Safárová, M Swerts
Nara, Japan, 2004
The influence of game character appearance on empathy and immersion: Virtual non-robotic versus robotic animals
A Sierra Rativa, M Postma, M Van Zaanen
Simulation & gaming 51 (5), 685-711, 2020
A systematic review of pedagogical agent research: Similarities, differences and unexplored aspects
L Dai, MM Jung, M Postma, MM Louwerse
Computers & Education 190, 104607, 2022
Auditory perception bias in speech imitation
M Postma-Nilsenová, E Postma
Frontiers in Psychology 4, 826, 2013
Conformorality. A study on group conditioning of normative judgment
C Lisciandra, M Postma-Nilsenová, M Colombo
Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4, 751-764, 2013
The semantics of rising intonation in interrogatives and declaratives
M Šafářová
Proceedings of sinn und bedeutung 9, 355-369, 2005
Wandering minds, wandering mice: Computer mouse tracking as a method to detect mind wandering
MRD da Silva, M Postma
Computers in Human Behavior 112, 106453, 2020
Rises and falls
M Nilsenova
Studies in the semantics and pragmatics of intonation. Ph. D. thesis …, 2006
Automatic detection of confusion in elderly users of a web-based health instruction video
M Postma-Nilsenová, E Postma, K Tates
Telemedicine and e-Health 21 (6), 514-519, 2015
Mirror mirror on the wall
R Mattheij, M Postma-Nilsenová, E Postma
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 7 (2), 121-132, 2015
Revisiting consciousness: Distinguishing between states of conscious focused attention and mind wandering with EEG
MRD da Silva, ÓF Gonçalves, D Branco, M Postma
Consciousness and Cognition 101, 103332, 2022
Prosodic adaptation in language learning
M Nilsenová, M Swerts
Pragmatics and prosody in English language teaching, 77-94, 2012
Pitch adaptation in different age groups: boundary tones versus global pitch.
M Nilsenová, M Swerts, V Houtepen, H Dittrich
INTERSPEECH, 1015-1018, 2009
On polar questions
R Rooy, M Safarova
Young, R., & Zhou, Y.(eds), Proceedings of SALT XIII. Ithaca, NY, Cornell …, 2003
Comfortably numb? Nonverbal reactions to social exclusion
J Schaafsma, E Krahmer, M Postma, M Swerts, M Balsters, A Vingerhoets
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 39, 25-39, 2015
Ruminative minds, wandering minds: Effects of rumination and mind wandering on lexical associations, pitch imitation and eye behaviour
MR Dias da Silva, D Rusz, M Postma-Nilsenova
PloS one 13 (11), e0207578, 2018
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Articles 1–20