Vignesh I. Perumal
Vignesh I. Perumal
Other namesVignesh Perumal, VI Perumal, V Perumal
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Cited by
Digitally twinned additive manufacturing: Detecting flaws in laser powder bed fusion by combining thermal simulations with in-situ meltpool sensor data
R Yavari, A Riensche, E Tekerek, L Jacquemetton, H Halliday, ...
Materials & Design 211, 110167, 2021
Acoustic emission signal processing framework to identify fracture in aluminum alloys
B Wisner, K Mazur, V Perumal, K Baxevanakis, L An, G Feng, A Kontsos
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018
An optimized yarn-level geometric model for Finite Element Analysis of weft-knitted fabrics
P Wadekar, V Perumal, G Dion, A Kontsos, D Breen
Computer Aided Geometric Design 80, 101883, 2020
Progressive failure monitoring and analysis in aluminium by in situ nondestructive evaluation
BJ Wisner, P Potstada, VI Perumal, KP Baxevanakis, MGR Sause, ...
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 42 (9), 2133-2145, 2019
Temporal convolutional networks for data-driven thermal modeling of directed energy deposition
V Perumal, D Abueidda, S Koric, A Kontsos
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 85, 405-416, 2023
A Novel Digital Design Approach for Metal Additive Manufacturing to Address Local Thermal Effects
VI Perumal, AR Najafi, A Kontsos
Designs 4 (4), 41, 2020
On the process of designing material qualification type specimens manufactured using laser powder bed fusion
E Tekerek, V Perumal, L Jacquemetton, D Beckett, HS Halliday, B Wisner, ...
Materials & Design 229, 111893, 2023
Data-driven approaches for computational modeling for plasticity, fatigue, and fracture behavior of alloys
V Perumal, E Tekerek, A Kontsos
Innovative Lightweight and High-Strength Alloys, 141-180, 2024
Data-Driven Design Optimization for Metal Additive Manufacturing
VI Perumal
Drexel University, 2023
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Articles 1–9