Narges Ahmadi
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Cited by
Electron-scale dynamics of the diffusion region during symmetric magnetic reconnection in space
RB Torbert, JL Burch, TD Phan, M Hesse, MR Argall, J Shuster, RE Ergun, ...
Science 362 (6421), 1391-1395, 2018
The Plasma Simulation Code: A modern particle-in-cell code with patch-based load-balancing
K Germaschewski, W Fox, S Abbott, N Ahmadi, K Maynard, L Wang, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 318, 305-326, 2016
Magnetic Reconnection, Turbulence, and Particle Acceleration: Observations in the Earth's Magnetotail
RE Ergun, KA Goodrich, FD Wilder, N Ahmadi, JC Holmes, S Eriksson, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 45, 2018
Drift waves, intense parallel electric fields, and turbulence associated with asymmetric magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause
RE Ergun, LJ Chen, FD Wilder, N Ahmadi, S Eriksson, ME Usanova, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (7), 2978–2986, 2017
Structure and Dissipation Characteristics of an Electron Diffusion Region Observed by MMS during a Rapid, Normal‐incidence Magnetopause Crossing
RB Torbert, JL Burch, MR Argall, L Alm, CJ Farrugia, TG Forbes, BL Giles, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2017
Multipoint measurements of the electron jet of symmetric magnetic reconnection with a moderate guide field
FD Wilder, RE Ergun, S Eriksson, TD Phan, JL Burch, N Ahmadi, ...
Physical Review Letters 118, 2017
Observations of particle acceleration in magnetic reconnection–driven turbulence
RE Ergun, N Ahmadi, L Kromyda, SJ Schwartz, A Chasapis, S Hoilijoki, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 898 (2), 154, 2020
Electron bulk acceleration and thermalization at Earth’s quasiperpendicular bow shock
LJ Chen, S Wang, LB Wilson III, S Schwartz, N Bessho, T Moore, ...
Physical review letters 120 (22), 225101, 2018
Electron heating by Debye-scale turbulence in guide-field reconnection
YV Khotyaintsev, DB Graham, K Steinvall, L Alm, A Vaivads, A Johlander, ...
Physical Review Letters 124 (4), 045101, 2020
The role of the parallel electric field in electron‐scale dissipation at reconnecting currents in the magnetosheath
FD Wilder, RE Ergun, JL Burch, N Ahmadi, S Eriksson, TD Phan, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (8), 6533-6547, 2018
The properties of lion roars and electron dynamics in mirror‐mode waves observed by the Magnetospheric MultiScale mission
H Breuillard, OL Contel, T Chust, M Berthomier, A Retino, DL Turner, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (1), 93-103, 2018
Particle acceleration in strong turbulence in the Earth’s magnetotail
RE Ergun, N Ahmadi, L Kromyda, SJ Schwartz, A Chasapis, S Hoilijoki, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 898 (2), 2020
Generation of Electron Whistler Waves at the Mirror Mode Magnetic Holes: MMS Observations and PIC Simulation
N Ahmadi, F Wilder, R Ergun, M Argall, M Usanova, H Breuillard, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123, 2018
High‐resolution measurements of the cross‐shock potential, ion reflection, and electron heating at an interplanetary shock by MMS
IJ Cohen, SJ Schwartz, KA Goodrich, N Ahmadi, RE Ergun, SA Fuselier, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (6), 3961-3978, 2019
Electron phase‐space holes in three dimensions: Multispacecraft observations by magnetospheric multiscale
JC Holmes, RE Ergun, DL Newman, N Ahmadi, L Andersson, O Le Contel, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (12), 9963-9978, 2018
Reply to comment by Remya et al. on “Effects of electron temperature anisotropy on proton mirror instability evolution”
N Ahmadi, K Germaschewski, J Raeder
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122 (1), 748-752, 2017
Electron dynamics in magnetosheath mirror‐mode structures
ST Yao, QQ Shi, J Liu, ZH Yao, RL Guo, N Ahmadi, AW Degeling, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (7), 5561-5570, 2018
The dynamics of a high Mach number quasi-perpendicular shock: MMS observations
H Madanian, MI Desai, SJ Schwartz, LB Wilson, SA Fuselier, JL Burch, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 908 (1), 40, 2021
New insights into the nature of turbulence in the Earth's magnetosheath using magnetospheric multiscale mission data
H Breuillard, L Matteini, MR Argall, F Sahraoui, M Andriopoulou, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 859 (2), 127, 2018
Magnetic reconnection in three dimensions: Modeling and analysis of electromagnetic drift waves in the adjacent current sheet
RE Ergun, S Hoilijoki, N Ahmadi, SJ Schwartz, FD Wilder, JF Drake, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (12), 10085-10103, 2019
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Articles 1–20