Bipin Sankar Gopalakrishna Pillai
Bipin Sankar Gopalakrishna Pillai
Analytics and Data Science Lead
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Cited by
End-to-end energy modeling and analysis of long-haul coherent transmission systems
BSG Pillai, B Sedighi, K Guan, NP Anthapadmanabhan, W Shieh, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 32 (18), 3093-3111, 2014
Flexible optical networks: An energy efficiency perspective
H Khodakarami, BSG Pillai, B Sedighi, W Shieh
Journal of Lightwave Technology 32 (21), 3356-3367, 2014
Quality of Service Provisioning and Energy Minimized Scheduling in Software Defined Flexible Optical Networks
H Khodakarami, BS Gopalakrishna Pillai, W Shieh
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 8 (2), 118-128, 2016
Analytical characterization of optical pulse propagation in polarization-sensitive semiconductor optical amplifiers
BSG Pillai, M Premaratne, D Abramson, KL Lee, A Nirmalathas, C Lim, ...
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 42 (10), 1062-1077, 2006
Power equalization using polarization rotation in semiconductor optical amplifiers
BS Gopalakrishnapillai, M Premaratne, A Nirmalathas, C Lim
IEEE photonics technology letters 17 (8), 1695-1697, 2005
Chromatic dispersion compensation—An energy consumption perspective
BSG Pillai, B Sedighi, W Shieh, RS Tucker
OFC/NFOEC, 1-3, 2012
Long-reach passive optical networks for rural and remote areas
AV Tran, KL Lee, JC Ellershaw, JL Riding, K Hinton, BSG Pillai, T Smith, ...
Digest of the 9th International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN 2010), 1-3, 2010
The impact of error control on energy-efficient reliable data transfers over optical networks
K Guan, BSG Pillai, A Vishwanath, DC Kilper, J Llorca
2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 4083-4088, 2013
Power-efficiency considerations for adaptive long-haul optical transceivers
B Sedighi, H Khodakarami, BSG Pillai, W Shieh
IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 6 (12), 1093 - 1103, 2014
On EDFA and Raman fiber amplifier energy efficiency
P Wang, K Hinton, PM Farrell, BSG Pillai
2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Data Intensive …, 2015
Polarization and bit-length independent all-optical logic gate based active correlator for bit serial label processing
BS Gopalakrishnapillai, KL Lee, A Nirmalathas, C Lim, S Shinada, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OThS5, 2006
Power Consumption of Erbium Doped Fibre Amplified Links
K Hinton, P Wang, P Farrell, B Pilai
2014 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing …, 2014
Experimental demonstration of a simple time-of-flight rangefinder based on semiconductor optical amplifier
BS Gopalakrishnapillai, KL Lee, AJ Lowery, M Premaratne, S Shinada, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OTuL5, 2006
Multi-user encoding for forward error correction in passive optical networks
BSG Pillai, NP Anthapadmanabhan, D Suvakovic, H Chow
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2467-2470, 2016
Clustering approaches for cost-effective deployment of australia's national broadband network
AV Tran, BSG Pillai, KJ Hinton, R Ayre, RS Tucker
2010 Photonics Global Conference, 1-4, 2010
Automated path identification for node aggregation in backhaul networks
BG Pillai, R Ayre, K Hinton, A Tran, L Jiang, R Tucker
OECC 2010 Technical Digest, 736-737, 2010
Measurement of mean fiber DGD using asynchronous delay-tap sampling
TB Anderson, K Clarke, SD Dods, JC Li, BSG Pillai, L Nelson, M Birk, ...
2010 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (OFC/NFOEC), collocated …, 2010
Transceiver specifications for LDPC coded OOK optical links
B Sedighi, BSG Pillai, NP Anthapadmanabhan
2014 OptoElectronics and Communication Conference and Australian Conference …, 2014
OSNR and chromatic dispersion monitoring using Wiener-Hopf equation
BSG Pillai, A Nirmalathas
2009 14th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, 1-2, 2009
OSNR and residual chromatic dispersion monitoring for DQPSK signal based on Wiener-Hopf equation
Y Zhou, BSG Pillai, A Nirmalathas
ACOLS ACOFT 09 Conference: Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on …, 2009
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Articles 1–20