Aurojit Panda
Aurojit Panda
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BlinkDB: queries with bounded errors and bounded response times on very large data
S Agarwal, B Mozafari, A Panda, H Milner, S Madden, I Stoica
Proceedings of the 8th ACM European conference on computer systems, 29-42, 2013
E2: A framework for NFV applications
S Palkar, C Lan, S Han, K Jang, A Panda, S Ratnasamy, L Rizzo, ...
Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, 121-136, 2015
{NetBricks}: Taking the V out of {NFV}
A Panda, S Han, K Jang, M Walls, S Ratnasamy, S Shenker
12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI …, 2016
Ivy: safety verification by interactive generalization
O Padon, KL McMillan, A Panda, M Sagiv, S Shoham
Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2016
SoftNIC: A software NIC to augment hardware
S Han, K Jang, A Panda, S Palkar, D Han, S Ratnasamy
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS …, 2015
Network support for resource disaggregation in next-generation datacenters
S Han, N Egi, A Panda, S Ratnasamy, G Shi, S Shenker
Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 1-7, 2013
Revisiting network support for RDMA
R Mittal, A Shpiner, A Panda, E Zahavi, A Krishnamurthy, S Ratnasamy, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data …, 2018
Can far memory improve job throughput?
E Amaro, C Branner-Augmon, Z Luo, A Ousterhout, MK Aguilera, A Panda, ...
Proceedings of the Fifteenth European Conference on Computer Systems, 1-16, 2020
Drizzle: Fast and adaptable stream processing at scale
S Venkataraman, A Panda, K Ousterhout, M Armbrust, A Ghodsi, ...
Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, 374-389, 2017
Rollback-recovery for middleboxes
J Sherry, PX Gao, S Basu, A Panda, A Krishnamurthy, C Maciocco, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data …, 2015
The power of choice in {Data-Aware} cluster scheduling
S Venkataraman, A Panda, G Ananthanarayanan, MJ Franklin, I Stoica
11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI …, 2014
{SCL}: Simplifying Distributed {SDN} Control Planes
A Panda, W Zheng, X Hu, A Krishnamurthy, S Shenker
14th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2017
Troubleshooting blackbox SDN control software with minimal causal sequences
C Scott, A Wundsam, B Raghavan, A Panda, A Or, J Lai, E Huang, Z Liu, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on SIGCOMM, 395-406, 2014
Ensuring connectivity via data plane mechanisms
J Liu, A Panda, A Singla, B Godfrey, M Schapira, S Shenker
10th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2013
{ResQ}: Enabling {SLOs} in network function virtualization
A Tootoonchian, A Panda, C Lan, M Walls, K Argyraki, S Ratnasamy, ...
15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2018
System programming in rust: Beyond safety
A Balasubramanian, MS Baranowski, A Burtsev, A Panda, Z Rakamarić, ...
Proceedings of the 16th workshop on hot topics in operating systems, 156-161, 2017
Blink and it's done: interactive queries on very large data
S Agarwal, AP Iyer, A Panda, S Madden, B Mozafari, I Stoica
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2012
Verifying reachability in networks with mutable datapaths
A Panda, O Lahav, K Argyraki, M Sagiv, S Shenker
14th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2017
The case for tiny tasks in compute clusters
K Ousterhout, A Panda, J Rosen, S Venkataraman, R Xin, S Ratnasamy, ...
14th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XIV), 2013
A high performance packet core for next generation cellular networks
ZA Qazi, M Walls, A Panda, V Sekar, S Ratnasamy, S Shenker
Proceedings of the Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data …, 2017
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Articles 1–20