Jacob Goldin
Cited by
Cited by
The Effects of Pretrial Detention on Conviction, Future Crime, and Employment: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Judges
W Dobbie, J Goldin, CS Yang
American Economic Review 108 (2), 201-40, 2018
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: Cigarette Tax Salience and Regressivity
J Goldin, T Homonoff
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 5 (1), 302-336, 2013
Health insurance and mortality: Experimental evidence from taxpayer outreach
J Goldin, IZ Lurie, J McCubbin
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 136 (1), 1-49, 2021
Consumer Borrowing after Payday Loan Bans
N Bhutta, J Goldin, T Homonoff
The Journal of Law and Economics 59 (1), 225-259, 2016
Optimal Tax Salience
J Goldin
Journal of Public Economics, 2015
Which Way to Nudge? Uncovering Preferences in the Behavioral Age
J Goldin
Yale Law Journal, 2015
Who Benefits From the Child Tax Credit?
J Goldin, K Michelmore
National Tax Journal, 2022
Tax benefit complexity and take-up: Lessons from the Earned Income Tax Credit
J Goldin
Tax L. Rev. 72, 59, 2018
Revealed-Preference Analysis with Framing Effects
J Goldin, D Reck
Journal of Political Economy 128 (7), 2759-2795, 2020
The political ideologies of law clerks
A Bonica, AS Chilton, J Goldin, K Rozema, M Sen
American Law and Economics Review 19 (1), 96-128, 2017
Legal Rasputins? Law Clerk Influence on Voting at the US Supreme Court
A Bonica, A Chilton, J Goldin, K Rozema, M Sen
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 35 (1), 1-36, 2019
Issuance and incidence: Snap benefit cycles and grocery prices
J Goldin, T Homonoff, K Meckel
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 14 (1), 152-78, 2022
Communicating tax penalties to delinquent taxpayers: Evidence from a field experiment
T Cranor, J Goldin, T Homonoff, L Moore
National Tax Journal 73 (2), 331-360, 2020
Measuring Judicial Ideology Using Law Clerk Hiring
A Bonica, AS Chilton, J Goldin, K Rozema, M Sen
American Law and Economics Review 19 (1), 129-161, 2017
Sales Tax Not Included: Designing Commodity Taxes for Inattentive Consumers
J Goldin
Yale Law Journal 122 (1), 2012
Optimal Defaults with Normative Ambiguity
J Goldin, DH Reck
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2022
Measuring and Mitigating Racial Disparities in Tax Audits
H Elzayn, E Smith, T Hertz, A Ramesh, R Fisher, DE Ho, J Goldin
Tax Expenditure Salience
Y Listokin, J Goldin
American Law and Economics Review, 2012
Tax filing and take-up: Experimental evidence on tax preparation outreach and benefit claiming
J Goldin, T Homonoff, R Javaid, B Schafer
Journal of Public Economics 206, 104550, 2022
Estimating the Net Fiscal Cost of a Child Tax Credit Expansion
J Goldin, E Maag, K Michelmore
Tax Policy and the Economy 36 (1), 159-195, 2022
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