Ahmed Abdel Rahman Hashem Khalifa
Ahmed Abdel Rahman Hashem Khalifa
Professor of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
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Cited by
Regenerative potential of immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps after different regenerative protocols
MM Nagy, HE Tawfik, AAR Hashem, AM Abu-Seida
Journal of endodontics 40 (2), 192-198, 2014
Geometric analysis of root canals prepared by four rotary NiTi shaping systems
AAR Hashem, AG Ghoneim, RA Lutfy, MY Foda, GAF Omar
Journal of endodontics 38 (7), 996-1000, 2012
Efficacy of different final irrigation activation techniques on smear layer removal
SED Saber, AAR Hashem
Journal of endodontics 37 (9), 1272-1275, 2011
ProRoot MTA, MTA-Angelus and IRM used to repair large furcation perforations: sealability study
AAR Hashem, EE Hassanien
Journal of endodontics 34 (1), 59-61, 2008
The effect of different irrigating solutions on bond strength of two root canal–filling systems
AA Rahman Hashem, AG Ghoneim, RA Lutfy, MY Fouda
Journal of endodontics 35 (4), 537-540, 2009
The Effect of Acidity on Dislodgment Resistance of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Bioaggregate in Furcation Perforations: An< i> In Vitro</i> Comparative Study
AAR Hashem, SA Wanees Amin
Journal of endodontics 38 (2), 245-249, 2012
Regenerative potential following revascularization of immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps
H Tawfik, AM Abu‐Seida, AA Hashem, MM Nagy
International endodontic journal 46 (10), 910-922, 2013
Accessory roots and root canals in human anterior teeth: a review and clinical considerations
HMA Ahmed, AA Hashem
International endodontic journal 49 (8), 724-736, 2016
Ultrasonic vibration: temperature rise on external root surface during broken instrument removal
AAR Hashem
Journal of endodontics 33 (9), 1070-1073, 2007
Expression levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and gram-negative bacteria in symptomatic and asymptomatic periapical lesions
GM Ahmed, AA El-Baz, AAR Hashem, AK Shalaan
Journal of endodontics 39 (4), 444-448, 2013
Regenerative potential of immature permanent non-vital teeth following different dentin surface treatments
SH El Ashry, AM Abu-Seida, AA Bayoumi, AA Hashem
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 68 (2-3), 181-190, 2016
Treatment of experimental furcation perforations with mineral trioxide aggregate, platelet rich plasma or platelet rich fibrin in dogs’ teeth
HE Tawfik, AM Abu-Seida, AA Hashem, MM El-Khawlani
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 68 (6), 321-327, 2016
Improved dentin disinfection by combining different-geometry rotary nickel-titanium files in preparing root canals
MM Bedier, AAR Hashem, YM Hassan
Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics 43 (4), 2018
Histologic evaluation of furcation perforation treated with mineral trioxide aggregate and bioaggregate.
EE Hassanien, AM Abu-Seida, AA Hashem, SS Khanbash
Histopathological evaluation of different regenerative protocols using Chitosan‐based formulations for management of immature non‐vital teeth with apical periodontitis: In vivo …
KF Abbas, H Tawfik, AAR Hashem, HMA Ahmed, AM Abu‐Seida, ...
Australian Endodontic Journal 46 (3), 405-414, 2020
Application of a new System for Classifying Root and Canal Anatomy in Clinical Practice – Explanation and Elaboration
PMHD Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed, Ahmed Abdel Rahman Hashem
European Endodontic journal 6 (2), 132-142, 2021
The effect of changing apical foramen diameter on regenerative potential of mature teeth with necrotic pulp and apical periodontitis
HM Abada, AAR Hashem, AM Abu-Seida, MM Nagy
Clinical Oral Investigations, 1-11, 2022
The impact of composition, core metal mass and phase transformation behaviour on the dynamic cyclic fatigue of Ni-Ti files at different temperatures
MSAA Elwakeel, AAR Hashem, SH Fahmy, SM Saber, G Plotino
Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia 36 (1), 2022
Efficacy of four local anaesthesia protocols for mandibular first molars with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis: A randomized clinical trial
SM Saber, AA Hashem, DM Khalil, C Pirani, R Ordinola‐Zapata
International Endodontic Journal 55 (3), 219-230, 2022
Endodontic management of a mandibular first molar with unusual canal morphology
AAR Hashem, HMA Ahmed
Eur Endod J 2 (1), 1-4, 2017
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Articles 1–20