Artur Gramacki
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Cited by
Nonparametric kernel density estimation and its computational aspects
A Gramacki
Springer International Publishing, 2018
Lifestyle exercise attenuates immunosenescence; flow cytometry analysis
A Tylutka, B Morawin, A Gramacki, A Zembron-Lacny
BMC geriatrics 21, 1-13, 2021
Stability and controllability of a class of 2-D linear systems with dynamic boundary conditions
E Rogers, K Galkowski, A Gramacki, J Gramacki, DH Owens
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2002
A deep learning framework for epileptic seizure detection based on neonatal EEG signals
A Gramacki, J Gramacki
Scientific reports 12 (1), 13010, 2022
Differences in exterior conformation between primitive, Half-bred, and Thoroughbred horses: Anatomic-breeding approach
M Komosa, H Frąckowiak, H Purzyc, M Wojnowska, A Gramacki, ...
Journal of Animal Science 91 (4), 1660-1668, 2013
FFT-Based Fast Bandwidth Selector for Multivariate Kernel Density Estimation
A Gramacki, J Gramacki
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (2016), …, 2016
Breast cancer nuclei segmentation and classification based on a deep learning approach
M Kowal, M Skobel, A Gramacki, J Korbicz
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 31 (1), 85-106, 2021
FFT-based fast computation of multivariate kernel density estimators with unconstrained bandwidth matrices
A Gramacki, J Gramacki
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 (2), 459-462, 2017
Multi-classifier majority voting analyses in provenance studies on iron artefacts
G Żabiński, J Gramacki, A Gramacki, E Miśta-Jakubowska, T Birch, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 113, 105055, 2020
Graphics processing units in acceleration of bandwidth selection for kernel density estimation
W Andrzejewski, A Gramacki, J Gramacki
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 23 (4 …, 2013
Kernel density estimation
A Gramacki, A Gramacki
Nonparametric Kernel Density Estimation and Its Computational Aspects, 25-62, 2018
Higher order discretisation methods for a class of 2-D continuous-discrete linear systems
K Galkowski, E Rogers, A Gramacki, J Gramacki, DH Owens
IEE Proceedings-Circuits, Devices and Systems 146 (6), 315-320, 1999
Pre-Existing hypertension is related with disproportions in t-lymphocytes in older age
A Tylutka, B Morawin, A Gramacki, A Zembron-Lacny
Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (2), 291, 2022
Stability and dynamic boundary condition decoupling analysis for a class of 2-D discrete linear systems
K Galkowski, E Rogers, A Gramacki, J Gramacki, DH Owens
IEE Proceedings-Circuits, Devices and Systems 148 (3), 126-134, 2001
Strong practical stability for a class of 2D linear systems
K Galkowski, E Rogers, A Gramacki, J Gramacki, D Owens
2000 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 1, 403-406, 2000
FPGA-based bandwidth selection for kernel density estimation using high level synthesis approach
A Gramacki, M Sawerwain, J Gramacki
arXiv preprint arXiv:1505.02100, 2015
Wybrane metody redukcji wymiarowości danych oraz ich wizualizacji
J Gramacki, A Gramacki
XIV konferencja użytkowników i deweloperów ORACLE, 13-17.10, 2008
Intermittent hypoxic exposure with high dose of arginine impact on circulating mediators of tissue regeneration
A Zembron-Lacny, A Gramacki, E Wawrzyniak-Gramacka, A Tylutka, ...
Nutrients 12 (7), 1933, 2020
Bandwidth selectors for kernel density estimation
A Gramacki, A Gramacki
Nonparametric Kernel Density Estimation and Its Computational Aspects, 63-83, 2018
Statystyczne odkrywanie zależności w danych
J Gramacki, A Gramacki
Przegl. Telekom 6, 711-713, 2008
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Articles 1–20