Tobias Distler
Cited by
Cited by
CheapBFT: Resource-efficient Byzantine fault tolerance
R Kapitza, J Behl, C Cachin, T Distler, S Kuhnle, SV Mohammadi, ...
Proceedings of the 7th ACM european conference on Computer Systems, 295-308, 2012
Hybrids on steroids: SGX-based high performance BFT
J Behl, T Distler, R Kapitza
Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Computer Systems, 222-237, 2017
Resource-efficient byzantine fault tolerance
T Distler, C Cachin, R Kapitza
IEEE transactions on computers 65 (9), 2807-2819, 2015
Worst-case energy consumption analysis for energy-constrained embedded systems
P Wägemann, T Distler, T Hönig, H Janker, R Kapitza, ...
2015 27th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 105-114, 2015
Byzantine fault-tolerant state-machine replication from a systems perspective
T Distler
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (1), 1-38, 2021
Increasing performance in Byzantine fault-tolerant systems with on-demand replica consistency
T Distler, R Kapitza
Proceedings of the sixth conference on Computer systems, 91-106, 2011
Consensus-oriented parallelization: How to earn your first million
J Behl, T Distler, R Kapitza
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Middleware Conference, 173-184, 2015
SPARE: Replicas on Hold.
T Distler, I Popov, W Schröder-Preikschat, HP Reiser, R Kapitza
NDSS, 2011
Whole-system worst-case energy-consumption analysis for energy-constrained real-time systems
P Wägemann, C Dietrich, T Distler, P Ulbrich, W Schröder-Preikschat
Leibniz international proceedings in informatics: LIPIcs; 106 106, 24, 2018
Sarek: Optimistic parallel ordering in byzantine fault tolerance
B Li, W Xu, MZ Abid, T Distler, R Kapitza
2016 12th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC), 77-88, 2016
Extensible distributed coordination
T Distler, C Bahn, A Bessani, F Fischer, F Junqueira
Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Computer Systems, 1-16, 2015
Storyboard: Optimistic deterministic multithreading
R Kapitza, M Schunter, C Cachin, K Stengel, T Distler
Sixth Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability (HotDep 10), 2010
Providing fault-tolerant execution of web-service-based workflows within clouds
J Behl, T Distler, F Heisig, R Kapitza, M Schunter
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Computing Platforms, 1-6, 2012
Efficient state transfer for hypervisor-based proactive recovery
T Distler, R Kapitza, HP Reiser
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Recent advances on intrusiton-tolerant …, 2008
Troxy: Transparent access to byzantine fault-tolerant systems
B Li, N Weichbrodt, J Behl, PL Aublin, T Distler, R Kapitza
2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2018
Latency-aware leader selection for geo-replicated Byzantine fault-tolerant systems
M Eischer, T Distler
2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2018
Scalable byzantine fault-tolerant state-machine replication on heterogeneous servers
M Eischer, T Distler
Computing 101 (2), 97-118, 2019
GenE: A benchmark generator for WCET analysis
P Wägemann, T Distler, T Hönig, V Sieh, W Schröder-Preikschat
15th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2015), 2015
Benchmark generation for timing analysis
P Wägemann, T Distler, C Eichler, W Schröder-Preikschat
2017 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS …, 2017
A kernel for energy-neutral real-time systems with mixed criticalities
P Wägemann, T Distler, H Janker, P Raffeck, V Sieh
2016 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS …, 2016
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Articles 1–20