Timothy L Hodgson
Timothy L Hodgson
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Lincoln
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Impaired spatial working memory across saccades contributes to abnormal search in parietal neglect
M Husain, S Mannan, T Hodgson, E Wojciulik, J Driver, C Kennard
Brain 124 (5), 941-952, 2001
Differential cortical activation during voluntary and reflexive saccades in man
DJ Mort, RJ Perry, SK Mannan, TL Hodgson, E Anderson, R Quest, ...
Neuroimage 18 (2), 231-246, 2003
Saccadic visual search training: a treatment for patients with homonymous hemianopia
ALM Pambakian, SK Mannan, TL Hodgson, C Kennard
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 75 (10), 1443-1448, 2004
Saccadic eye movement and working memory deficits following damage to human prefrontal cortex
R Walker, M Husain, TL Hodgson, J Harrison, C Kennard
Neuropsychologia 36 (11), 1141-1159, 1998
Revisiting previously searched locations in visual neglect: role of right parietal and frontal lesions in misjudging old locations as new
SK Mannan, DJ Mort, TL Hodgson, J Driver, C Kennard, M Husain
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17 (2), 340-354, 2005
Predictive learning, prediction errors, and attention: Evidence from event-related potentials and eye tracking
AJ Wills, A Lavric, GS Croft, TL Hodgson
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19 (5), 843-854, 2007
Acute exercise modulates cigarette cravings and brain activation in response to smoking-related images: an fMRI study
K Janse Van Rensburg, A Taylor, T Hodgson, A Benattayallah
Psychopharmacology 203 (3), 589-598, 2009
Accounting for regressive eye-movements in models of sentence processing: A reappraisal of the Selective Reanalysis hypothesis
DC Mitchell, X Shen, MJ Green, TL Hodgson
Journal of Memory and Language 59 (3), 266-293, 2008
Imaging the impossible: An fMRI study of impossible causal relationships in magic tricks
BA Parris, G Kuhn, GA Mizon, A Benattayallah, TL Hodgson
Neuroimage 45 (3), 1033-1039, 2009
Intranasal inhalation of oxytocin improves face processing in developmental prosopagnosia
S Bate, SJ Cook, B Duchaine, JJ Tree, EJ Burns, TL Hodgson
Cortex 50, 55-63, 2014
Impaired reading in patients with right hemianopia
AP Leff, SK Scott, H Crewes, TL Hodgson, A Cowey, D Howard, RJS Wise
Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological …, 2000
Eye movements and spatial working memory inParkinsons disease
TL Hodgson, WH Dittrich, L Henderson, C Kennard
Neuropsychologia 37 (8), 927-938, 1999
The role of the ventrolateral frontal cortex in inhibitory oculomotor control
T Hodgson, M Chamberlain, B Parris, M James, N Gutowski, M Husain, ...
Brain 130 (6), 1525-1537, 2007
The effects of acute exercise on attentional bias towards smoking‐related stimuli during temporary abstinence from smoking
KJ Van Rensburg, A Taylor, T Hodgson
Addiction 104 (11), 1910-1917, 2009
Self-control during response conflict by human supplementary eye field
M Husain, A Parton, TL Hodgson, D Mort, G Rees
Nature neuroscience 6 (2), 117-118, 2003
The strategic control of gaze direction in the Tower of London task
TL Hodgson, A Bajwa, AM Owen, C Kennard
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 12 (5), 894-907, 2000
Identification of an oculomotor biomarker of preclinical Huntington disease
CVP Golding, C Danchaivijitr, TL Hodgson, SJ Tabrizi, C Kennard
Neurology 67 (3), 485-487, 2006
Suppression of pendular nystagmus by smoking cannabis in a patient with multiple sclerosis
F Schon, PE Hart, TL Hodgson, ALM Pambakian, M Ruprah, ...
Neurology 53 (9), 2209-2209-a, 1999
Role of the human supplementary eye field in the control of saccadic eye movements
A Parton, P Nachev, TL Hodgson, D Mort, D Thomas, R Ordidge, ...
Neuropsychologia 45 (5), 997-1008, 2007
Abnormal gaze strategies during problem solving in Parkinson's disease
TL Hodgson, B Tiesman, AM Owen, C Kennard
Neuropsychologia 40 (4), 411-422, 2002
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Articles 1–20