Salman Niazi
Cited by
Cited by
{HopsFS}: Scaling hierarchical file system metadata using {NewSQL} databases
S Niazi, M Ismail, S Haridi, J Dowling, S Grohsschmiedt, M Ronström
15th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 17), 89-104, 2017
BiobankCloud: a platform for the secure storage, sharing, and processing of large biomedical data sets
A Bessani, J Brandt, M Bux, V Cogo, L Dimitrova, J Dowling, A Gholami, ...
Biomedical Data Management and Graph Online Querying: VLDB 2015 Workshops …, 2016
SAND Join—A skew handling join algorithm for Google's MapReduce framework
F Atta, SD Viglas, S Niazi
2011 IEEE 14th International Multitopic Conference, 170-175, 2011
Size matters: Improving the performance of small files in hadoop
S Niazi, M Ronström, S Haridi, J Dowling
Proceedings of the 19th international middleware conference, 26-39, 2018
Scaling HDFS to more than 1 million operations per second with HopsFS
M Ismail, S Niazi, M Ronström, S Haridi, J Dowling
2017 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2017
Leader election using NewSQL database systems
S Niazi, M Ismail, G Berthou, J Dowling
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 15th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 2015
Usurp: Distributed nat traversal for overlay networks
S Niazi, J Dowling
IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable …, 2011
Privacy-preservation for publishing sample availability data with personal identifiers
A Gholami, E Laure, P Somogyi, O Spjuth, S Niazi, J Dowling
Journal of Medical and Bioengineering Vol 4 (2), 2015
HopsFS-S3: Extending Object Stores with POSIX-like Semantics and more (industry track)
M Ismail, S Niazi, G Berthou, M Ronström, S Haridi, J Dowling
Proceedings of the 21st International Middleware Conference Industrial Track …, 2020
Cloud-native RStudio on Kubernetes for Hopsworks
G Chikafa, S Sheikholeslami, S Niazi, J Dowling, V Vlassov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.09132, 2023
Scalable Block Reporting for HopsFS
M Ismail, A Bonds, S Niazi, S Haridi, J Dowling
2019 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigDataCongress), 157-164, 2019
Scaling Distributed Hierarchical File Systems Using NewSQL Databases
S Niazi
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2018
Size Matters: Improving the Performance of Small Files in HDFS
S Niazi, S Haridi, J Dowling
The Hopsworks Feature Store for Machine Learning
J de la Rúa Martínez, F Buso, A Kouzoupis, AA Ormenisan, S Niazi, ...
Companion of the 2024 International Conference on Management of Data, 135-147, 2024
Distributed Hierarchical File Systems strike back in the Cloud
M Ismail, S Niazi, M Sundell, M Ronström, S Haridi, J Dowling
2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2020
HopsFS-S3: Extending Object Stores with POSIX-like Semantics and more
M Ismail, S Niazi, G Berthou, M Ronström, S Haridi, J Dowling
21st International Middleware Conference Industrial Track, The Netherlands …, 2020
S Niazi, K Hakimzadeh, A Lorente, M Ismail, J Dowling, A Gholami
Distributed NAT Traversal for Overlay Networks
S Niazi, J Dowling
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Articles 1–18