J. Enrique Agudo
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Cited by
An internet of things example: Classrooms access control over near field communication
D Palma, JE Agudo, H Sánchez, MM Macías
Sensors 14 (4), 6998-7012, 2014
A compact and low cost electronic nose for aroma detection
MM Macías, JE Agudo, AG Manso, CJG Orellana, HMG Velasco, ...
Sensors 13 (5), 5528-5541, 2013
A low-cost real color picker based on arduino
JE Agudo, PJ Pardo, H Sánchez, ÁL Pérez, MI Suero
Sensors 14 (7), 11943-11956, 2014
Aprendizaje móvil de inglés mediante juegos de espías en Educación Secundaria
MMR García, JEA Garzón
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 19 (1), 121-139, 2016
Competencias Transversales: Percepción de su desarrollo en el Grado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Productos
JE Agudo, R Hernández-Linares, M Rico, H Sánchez
Formación universitaria 6 (5), 39-50, 2013
Educational e-portfolios: Uses and Tools
P Amaya, JE Agudo, H Sánchez, M Rico, R Hernández-Linares
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 93, 1169-1173, 2013
Multimedia games for fun and learning English in preschool
JE Agudo, M Rico, H Sánchez
Digital education review, 183-205, 2015
Playing games on the screen: Adapting mouse interaction at early ages
JE Agudo, H Sánchez, M Rico
2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2010
Improving short term instability for quantitative analyses with portable electronic noses
MM Macías, JE Agudo, AG Manso, CJG Orellana, HMG Velasco, ...
Sensors 14 (6), 10514-10526, 2014
Language learning resources and developments in the Second Life metaverse
S Dominguez-Noriega, JE Agudo, P Ferreira, M Rico
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 3 (5), 496-509, 2011
Transversal competences of university students of engineering
R Hernandez-Linares, JE Agudo, M Rico, H Sánchez
Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje 17 (2 …, 2015
Venciendo miedos en la enseñanza de inglés a adultos: un caso práctico: la ciudad, sus leyendas y los espacios web.
G Delicado, JE Agudo, P Ferreira, B Cumbreño
Tejuelo: Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Educación 2009 (4), 56-73, 2009
Everything matters: Development of cross-curricular competences in engineering through web 2.0 social objects
M Rico, J Coppens, P Ferreira, H Sánchez, JE Agudo
Ubiquitous and mobile learning in the digital age, 139-157, 2013
Adaptive Computer Games For Second Language Learning In Early Childhood
JE Agudo, H Sánchez, JM Holguín, D Tello
Proceedings of the Third International Online Conference on Second and …, 2007
IoT and iTV for interconnection, monitoring, and automation of common areas of residents
H Sánchez, C González-Contreras, JE Agudo, M Macías
Applied Sciences 7 (7), 696, 2017
Adaptive learning for very young learners
JE Agudo, H Sánchez, M Rico
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: 4th International …, 2006
Evaluando competencias en ingeniería: un eportfolio basado en Moodle
JM Vaca, JE Agudo, M Rico
Simposio Internacional de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones …, 2013
Guía para la atención al maltrato infantil desde los servicios policiales
E Gómez, MJ Agudo
Gobierno de Cantabria. Consejería de Sanidad, Consumo y Servicios Sociales, 2002
Gas sensor measurements during the initial action period of duty-cycling for power saving
MM Macías, CJG Orellana, HMG Velasco, AG Manso, JEA Garzón, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 239, 1003-1009, 2017
Chronos: A tool to develop the time management competence among engineering students
R Hernandez‐Linares, H Sánchez, JE Agudo, M Rico
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 25 (1), 79-89, 2017
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Articles 1–20