Marcio Ferreira Moreno
Cited by
Cited by
Ginga-NCL: the declarative environment of the Brazilian digital TV system
LFG Soares, RF Rodrigues, MF Moreno
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 13, 37-46, 2007
Ginga-NCL: Declarative middleware for multimedia IPTV services
LFG Soares, MF Moreno, CSS Neto, MF Moreno
IEEE Communications Magazine 48 (6), 74-81, 2010
Provenance data in the machine learning lifecycle in computational science and engineering
R Souza, L Azevedo, V Lourenço, E Soares, R Thiago, R Brandão, ...
2019 IEEE/ACM Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), 1-10, 2019
Live editing of hypermedia documents
RM de Resende Costa, MF Moreno, RF Rodrigues, LFG Soares
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Document engineering, 165-172, 2006
Extending Hypermedia Conceptual Models to Support Hyperknowledge Specifications
M Moreno, R Brandao, R Cerqueira
International Journal of Semantic Computing 11 (01), 43-64, 2017
Automated document authoring assistant through cognitive computing
RR de Mello Brandao, RF de Gusmao Cerqueira, MF Moreno
US Patent 10,579,725, 2020
Workflow provenance in the lifecycle of scientific machine learning
R Souza, LG Azevedo, V Lourenço, E Soares, R Thiago, R Brandão, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 34 (14), e6544, 2022
Multiple exhibition devices in DTV systems
LFG Soares, RMR Costa, MF Moreno, MF Moreno
Proceedings of the 17th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 281-290, 2009
Data platform to protect security of data used by machine learning models supported by blockchain
MF Moreno, LCV Real, RF de Gusmao Cerqueira
US Patent App. 15/995,367, 2019
Um middleware declarativo para Sistemas de TV Digital Interativa
MF Moreno
Rio de Janeiro, 2006
Nested context language 3.0: Part 9–NCL live editing commands
LFG Soares, RF Rodrigues, RR Costa, MF Moreno
Monografias em Ciência da Computação do Departamento de Informática, PUC-Rio …, 2006
Modern Federated Database Systems: An Overview.
LG Azevedo, EF de Souza Soares, R Souza, MF Moreno
ICEIS (1), 276-283, 2020
NCM 3.1: a conceptual model for hyperknowledge document engineering
MF Moreno, R Brandao, R Cerqueira
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 55-58, 2016
Interleaved time bases in hypermedia synchronization
MF Moreno, RM de Resende Costa, LFG Soares
IEEE MultiMedia 22 (4), 68-78, 2015
Ginga-NCL: implementação de referência para dispositivos portáteis
VM Cruz, MF Moreno, LFG Soares
Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, 67-74, 2008
Agricultural method and system using a high resolution sensing device for analyzing and servicing crops
RR de Mello Brandao, MF Moreno, IC Oliveira, MN Dos Santos, LP Tizzei, ...
US Patent 10,372,987, 2019
System and method to extract and enrich slide presentations from multimodal content through cognitive computing
RF de Gusmão Cerqueira, MF Moreno, RR de Mello Brandao, ...
US Patent 11,321,667, 2022
Towards a conceptual model for cognitive-intensive practices
MF Moreno, R Brandão, JJ Ferreira, A Fucs, R Cerqueira
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 148-151, 2016
Challenges on multimedia for decision-making in the era of cognitive computing
MF Moreno, R Brandão, R Cerqueira
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 673-678, 2016
Resilient hypermedia presentations
MF Moreno, LFG Soares
2010 IEEE Second International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation, 1-6, 2010
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Articles 1–20