Elena Gabriela Barrantes
Elena Gabriela Barrantes
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Cited by
Randomized instruction set emulation to disrupt binary code injection attacks
EG Barrantes, DH Ackley, S Forrest, TS Palmer, D Stefanovic, DD Zovi
Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2003
Randomized instruction set emulation
EG Barrantes, DH Ackley, S Forrest, D Stefanović
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 8 (1), 3-40, 2005
Known/chosen key attacks against software instruction set randomization
Y Weiss, EG Barrantes
2006 22nd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC'06), 349-360, 2006
¿ Se estarán extinguiendo las mujeres de la carrera de Computación e Informática
G Marín, EG Barrantes, S Chavarría
XXXIII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática CLEI, 2007
Are women becoming extinct in the Computer Science and Informatics Program
G Marín, EG Barrantes, S Chavarría
CLEI Electronic Journal 11 (2), 1-11, 2008
Using the Logistic Coupled Map for Public Key Cryptography under a Distributed Dynamics Encryption Scheme
H Solís-Sánchez, EG Barrantes
Differences in perception of computer sciences and informatics due to gender and experience
G Marín, EG Barrantes, S Chavarría
CLEI Electronic Journal 11 (2), 1-11, 2008
Diferencias de percepción sobre computación e informática debidas a género y experiencia
G Marín, EG Barrantes, S Chavarría
Memorias de la XXXIII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática, 2007
Using Differential Privacy for the Internet of Things
CRG Rodríguez, EG Barrantes
IFIP International Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management, 201-211, 2016
Measuring data privacy preserving and machine learning
LG Esquivel-Quiros, EG Barrantes, FE Darlington
2018 7th International Conference On Software Process Improvement (CIMPS), 85-94, 2018
Automated Methods for Creating Diversity in Computer Systems
EG Barrantes, S Forrest
University of New Mexico, 2005
Increasing communications security through protocol parameter diversity
E Barrantes, S Forrest
Proceedings of the 32nd Latin-American Conference on Informatics, 25-26, 2006
Marco de medición de la privacidad
LG Esquivel-Quirós, EG Barrantes, FE Darlington
Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 66-81, 2019
An experience with a de-identifying task to inform about privacy issues
LG Esquivel-Quirós, EG Barrantes
Privacy and Identity Management. Time for a Revolution? 10th IFIP WG 9.2, 9 …, 2016
Construyendo un escenario para la simulación de ataques en sistemas de agentes
R Ulloa, EG Barrantes
Jornadas Chilenas de Computación 2008, 53, 2008
Known/chosen key attacks against RISE: Attacking the immune system
Y Weiss, EG Barrantes
Technical Report TR-ECCI-01-2006, ECCI, Universidad de Costa Rica, http …, 2006
Scheduling in third generation wireless networks
EG Barrantes-Sliesarieva, AF Lobo
Proceedings of Southcon'95, 273-278, 1995
Cosmographic analysis as framework to evaluate cosmological models
H Solís-Sánchez, M Ortega-Rodríguez, LA Álvarez, E Dodero, ...
The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in …, 2022
Design of a Privacy Risk Model for IoT applications in smart homes
CRG Rodríguez, EG Barrantes
2019 IV Jornadas Costarricenses de Investigación en Computación e …, 2019
Implementación del Algoritmo de Descifrado para un Esquema Criptográfico de Dinámica Distribuida
H Solís-Sánchez, EG Barrantes
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2019
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Articles 1–20