Martin Jackson
Martin Jackson
Professor of Advanced Metals Processing, The University of Sheffield
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β Phase decomposition in Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–3Cr
NG Jones, RJ Dashwood, M Jackson, D Dye
Acta Materialia 57 (13), 3830-3839, 2009
On the mechanism of superelasticity in Gum metal
RJ Talling, RJ Dashwood, M Jackson, D Dye
Acta Materialia 57 (4), 1188-1198, 2009
Thermomechanical processing of Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–3Cr
NG Jones, RJ Dashwood, D Dye, M Jackson
Materials Science and Engineering: A 490 (1-2), 369-377, 2008
Determination of (C11-C12) in Ti–36Nb–2Ta–3Zr–0.3 O (wt.%)(Gum metal)
RJ Talling, RJ Dashwood, M Jackson, S Kuramoto, D Dye
Scripta Materialia 59 (6), 669-672, 2008
Effect of initial microstructure on plastic flow behaviour during isothermal forging of Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al
M Jackson, NG Jones, D Dye, RJ Dashwood
Materials Science and Engineering: A 501 (1-2), 248-254, 2009
The flow behavior and microstructural evolution of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr during subtransus isothermal forging
NG Jones, RJ Dashwood, D Dye, M Jackson
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 40, 1944-1954, 2009
The microstructural evolution of near beta alloy Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al during subtransus forging
M Jackson, R Dashwood, H Flower, L Christodoulou
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 36, 1317-1327, 2005
Micromechanics of Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al: In situ synchrotron characterisation and modelling
SL Raghunathan, AM Stapleton, RJ Dashwood, M Jackson, D Dye
Acta Materialia 55 (20), 6861-6872, 2007
On the mechanism of tool crater wear during titanium alloy machining
O Hatt, P Crawforth, M Jackson
Wear 374, 15-20, 2017
Direct electrochemical production of Ti–10W alloys from mixed oxide preform precursors
K Dring, R Bhagat, M Jackson, R Dashwood, D Inman
Journal of alloys and compounds 419 (1-2), 103-109, 2006
A review of advances in processing and metallurgy of titanium alloys
M Jackson, K Dring
Materials science and technology 22 (8), 881-887, 2006
Development of chevron-shaped α precipitates in Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–3Cr
NG Jones, RJ Dashwood, M Jackson, D Dye
Scripta Materialia 60 (7), 571-573, 2009
Spark plasma sintering of commercial and development titanium alloy powders
NS Weston, F Derguti, A Tudball, M Jackson
Journal of Materials Science 50, 4860-4878, 2015
The production of Ti–Mo alloys from mixed oxide precursors via the FFC Cambridge process
R Bhagat, M Jackson, D Inman, R Dashwood
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 155 (6), E63, 2008
Microstructural damage during high-speed milling of titanium alloys
M Thomas, S Turner, M Jackson
Scripta materialia 62 (5), 250-253, 2010
Production of Ti–W alloys from mixed oxide precursors via the FFC Cambridge process
R Bhagat, M Jackson, D Inman, R Dashwood
Journal of the electrochemical society 156 (1), E1, 2008
FAST-forge− A new cost-effective hybrid processing route for consolidating titanium powder into near net shape forged components
NS Weston, M Jackson
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 243, 335-346, 2017
The effect of shot peening on the microstructure and properties of a near-alpha titanium alloy following high temperature exposure
M Thomas, T Lindley, D Rugg, M Jackson
Acta Materialia 60 (13-14), 5040-5048, 2012
Near net shape manufacture of titanium alloy components from powder and wire: A review of state-of-the-art process routes
T Childerhouse, M Jackson
Metals 9 (6), 689, 2019
Compositional variability in gum metal
RJ Talling, RJ Dashwood, M Jackson, D Dye
Scripta Materialia 60 (11), 1000-1003, 2009
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Articles 1–20