Rahib H.Abiyev
Cited by
Cited by
Deep convolutional neural networks for chest diseases detection
RH Abiyev, MKS Ma’aitaH
Journal of healthcare engineering 2018 (1), 4168538, 2018
Fuzzy wavelet neural networks for identification and control of dynamic plants—a novel structure and a comparative study
RH Abiyev, O Kaynak
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 55 (8), 3133-3140, 2008
Type 2 fuzzy neural structure for identification and control of time-varying plants
RH Abiyev, O Kaynak
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (12), 4147-4159, 2010
Navigation of mobile robots in the presence of obstacles
R Abiyev, D Ibrahim, B Erin
Advances in engineering software 41 (10-11), 1179-1186, 2010
A type-2 neuro-fuzzy system based on clustering and gradient techniques applied to system identification and channel equalization
RH Abiyev, O Kaynak, T Alshanableh, F Mamedov
Applied Soft Computing 11 (1), 1396-1406, 2011
Brain‐Computer Interface for Control of Wheelchair Using Fuzzy Neural Networks
RH Abiyev, N Akkaya, E Aytac, I Günsel, A Çağman
BioMed research international 2016 (1), 9359868, 2016
Identification of epileptic EEG signals using convolutional neural networks
R Abiyev, M Arslan, J Bush Idoko, B Sekeroglu, A Ilhan
Applied sciences 10 (12), 4089, 2020
Personal iris recognition using neural network
RH Abiyev, K Altunkaya
International Journal of Security and its Applications 2 (2), 41-50, 2008
Sign language translation using deep convolutional neural networks
RH Abiyev, M Arslan, JB Idoko
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 14 (2), 631-653, 2020
Control of omnidirectional robot using z-number-based fuzzy system
RH Abiyev, N Akkaya, I Gunsel
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 49 (1), 238-252, 2018
Exploiting the synergy between fractal dimension and lacunarity for improved texture recognition
KI Kilic, RH Abiyev
Signal Processing 91 (10), 2332-2344, 2011
Fuzzy wavelet neural network based on fuzzy clustering and gradient techniques for time series prediction
RH Abiyev
Neural Computing and Applications 20, 249-259, 2011
Machine learning techniques for classification of breast tissue
A Helwan, JB Idoko, RH Abiyev
Procedia computer science 120, 402-410, 2017
A type-2 fuzzy wavelet neural network for system identification and control
RH Abiyev, O Kaynak, E Kayacan
Journal of the Franklin Institute 350 (7), 1658-1685, 2013
Diagnosing Parkinson’s diseases using fuzzy neural system
RH Abiyev, S Abizade
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2016 (1), 1267919, 2016
Systematic literature review on machine learning and student performance prediction: Critical gaps and possible remedies
B Sekeroglu, R Abiyev, A Ilhan, M Arslan, JB Idoko
Applied Sciences 11 (22), 10907, 2021
Head mouse control system for people with disabilities
RH Abiyev, M Arslan
Expert Systems 37 (1), e12398, 2020
Fuzzy control of omnidirectional robot
RH Abiyev, IS Günsel, N Akkaya, E Aytac, A Çağman, S Abizada
Procedia Computer Science 120, 608-616, 2017
Credit rating using Type‐2 fuzzy neural networks
RH Abiyev
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (1), 460916, 2014
A servo system control with time-varying and nonlinear load conditions using type-2 TSK fuzzy neural system
E Kayacan, Y Oniz, AC Aras, O Kaynak, R Abiyev
Applied Soft Computing 11 (8), 5735-5744, 2011
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Articles 1–20