Robert Primas
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Cited by
SIFA: exploiting ineffective fault inductions on symmetric cryptography
C Dobraunig, M Eichlseder, T Korak, S Mangard, F Mendel, R Primas
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 547-572, 2018
Single-trace side-channel attacks on masked lattice-based encryption
R Primas, P Pessl, S Mangard
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems–CHES 2017: 19th International …, 2017
Isap v2. 0
C Dobraunig, M Eichlseder, S Mangard, F Mendel, B Mennink, R Primas, ...
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 390-416, 2020
Statistical ineffective fault attacks on masked AES with fault countermeasures
C Dobraunig, M Eichlseder, H Groß, S Mangard, F Mendel, R Primas
Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2018: 24th International Conference on the …, 2018
More practical single-trace attacks on the number theoretic transform
P Pessl, R Primas
Progress in Cryptology–LATINCRYPT 2019: 6th International Conference on …, 2019
Coco:{Co-Design} and {Co-Verification} of masked software implementations on {CPUs}
B Gigerl, V Hadzic, R Primas, S Mangard, R Bloem
30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), 1469-1468, 2021
Single-trace attacks on keccak
MJ Kannwischer, P Pessl, R Primas
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2020
Protecting against statistical ineffective fault attacks
J Daemen, C Dobraunig, M Eichlseder, H Gross, F Mendel, R Primas
IACR transactions on cryptographic hardware and embedded systems, 508-543, 2020
Chosen ciphertext k-trace attacks on masked CCA2 secure Kyber
M Hamburg, J Hermelink, R Primas, S Samardjiska, T Schamberger, ...
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 88-113, 2021
Fault attacks on nonce-based authenticated encryption: Application to keyak and ketje
C Dobraunig, S Mangard, F Mendel, R Primas
Selected Areas in Cryptography–SAC 2018: 25th International Conference …, 2019
Analyzing the linear keystream biases in AEGIS
M Eichlseder, M Nageler, R Primas
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 348-368, 2019
A fast and compact RISC-V accelerator for ascon and friends
S Steinegger, R Primas
International Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications, 53-67, 2020
Statistical effective fault attacks: the other side of the coin
N Vafaei, S Zarei, N Bagheri, M Eichlseder, R Primas, H Soleimany
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 17, 1855-1867, 2022
Secure and efficient software masking on superscalar pipelined processors
B Gigerl, R Primas, S Mangard
Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2021: 27th International Conference on the …, 2021
Riding the waves towards generic single-cycle masking in hardware
R Nagpal, B Gigerl, R Primas, S Mangard
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2022
Leakage and tamper resilient permutation-based cryptography
C Dobraunig, B Mennink, R Primas
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2022
Formal verification of arithmetic masking in hardware and software
B Gigerl, R Primas, S Mangard
International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 3-32, 2023
Power contracts: Provably complete power leakage models for processors
R Bloem, B Gigerl, M Gourjon, V Hadzic, S Mangard, R Primas
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2022
Proving SIFA protection of masked redundant circuits
V Hadžić, R Primas, R Bloem
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 18 (3), 471-481, 2022
TVLA on selected NIST LWC finalists
T Steinbauer, R Nagpal, R Primas, S Mangard
Technical Report, 2022
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Articles 1–20