Catalin-Mihai Barbu
Cited by
Cited by
Let me explain: Impact of personal and impersonal explanations on trust in recommender systems
J Kunkel, T Donkers, L Michael, CM Barbu, J Ziegler
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2019
How can they know that? A study of factors affecting the creepiness of recommendations
H Torkamaan, CM Barbu, J Ziegler
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 423-427, 2019
3cixty: Building comprehensive knowledge bases for city exploration
R Troncy, G Rizzo, A Jameson, O Corcho, J Plu, E Palumbo, ...
Journal of Web Semantics 46, 2-13, 2017
The impact of emotionality and trust cues on the perceived trustworthiness of online reviews
G Carbonell, CM Barbu, L Vorgerd, M Brand
Cogent Business & Management, 2019
Enhancing an Interactive Recommendation System with Review-based Information Filtering
J Feuerbach, B Loepp, CM Barbu, J Ziegler
IntRS '17: Proceedings of the 4th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human …, 2017
Trust-related Effects of Expertise and Similarity Cues in Human-Generated Recommendations.
J Kunkel, T Donkers, CM Barbu, J Ziegler
IUI Workshops, 2018
User-centered design and evaluation of interface enhancements to the semantic mediawiki
F Pfisterer, M Nitsche, A Jameson, C Barbu
Workshop on Semantic Web User Interaction, CHI, 2008
3cixty@Expo Milano 2015: Enabling Visitors to Explore a Smart City
G Rizzo, R Troncy, O Corcho, A Jameson, J Plu, JCB Hermida, A Assaf, ...
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Semantic Web Challenge, 2015
Interactive Recommending: Framework, State of Research and Future Challenges
B Loepp, CM Barbu, J Ziegler
EnCHIReS '16: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Engineering Computer-Human …, 2016
RecTour 2019: workshop on recommenders in tourism
J Neidhardt, W Wörndl, T Kuflik, M Zanker, CM Barbu
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 564-565, 2019
The influence of trust cues on the trustworthiness of online reviews for recommendations
CM Barbu, G Carbonell, J Ziegler
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 1687-1689, 2019
Towards a Design Space for Personalizing the Presentation of Recommendations
CM Barbu, J Ziegler
EnCHIReS 2017: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Engineering Computer-Human …, 2017
Change risk expert: Leveraging advanced classification and risk management techniques for systematic change failure reduction
S Güven, CM Barbu, D Husemann, D Wiesmann
2012 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, 795-809, 2012
Designing a study concerning the functions of sharable personal memories
C Barbu, A Kröner
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet, 478-482, 2008
Let Me Explain
J Kunkel, T Donkers, L Michael, CM Barbu, J Ziegler
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019
Increasing the Trustworthiness of Recommendations by Exploiting Social Media Sources
CM Barbu
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 447-450, 2016
3cixty: An innovative way to explore cities
CM Barbu, KD Kuhn, A Spirescu, L Lamorte, C Scanu
2015 IEEE First International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-3, 2015
Change risk expert
S Güven, C Barbu, D Husemann, D Wiesmann
IFIP/IEEE NOMS, Maui, Hawaii, 2012
Co-Staying: A Social Network for Increasing the Trustworthiness of Hotel Recommendations
CM Barbu, J Ziegler
RecTour 2017: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism, 35-39, 2017
User Model Dimensions for Personalizing the Presentation of Recommendations
CM Barbu, J Ziegler
IntRS '17: Proceedings of the 4th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human …, 2017
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Articles 1–20