Hiroshi Idzuchi
Hiroshi Idzuchi
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Giant enhancement of spin accumulation and long-distance spin precession in metallic lateral spin valves
Y Fukuma, L Wang, H Idzuchi, S Takahashi, S Maekawa, YC Otani
Nature materials 10 (7), 527-531, 2011
5d iridium oxide as a material for spin-current detection
K Fujiwara, Y Fukuma, J Matsuno, H Idzuchi, Y Niimi, YC Otani, H Takagi
Nature communications 4, 2013
Octupole-driven magnetoresistance in an antiferromagnetic tunnel junction
X Chen, T Higo, K Tanaka, T Nomoto, H Tsai, H Idzuchi, M Shiga, ...
Nature 613 (7944), 490-495, 2023
Experimental verification of comparability between spin-orbit and spin-diffusion lengths
Y Niimi, D Wei, H Idzuchi, T Wakamura, T Kato, YC Otani
Physical review letters 110 (1), 016805, 2013
Enhanced spin accumulation obtained by inserting low-resistance MgO interface in metallic lateral spin valves
Y Fukuma, L Wang, H Idzuchi, Y Otani
Applied Physics Letters 97 (1), 012507, 2010
Revisiting the measurement of the spin relaxation time in graphene-based devices
H Idzuchi, A Fert, Y Otani
Physical Review B 91 (24), 241407, 2015
Strongly adhesive dry transfer technique for van der Waals heterostructure
S Son, YJ Shin, K Zhang, J Shin, S Lee, H Idzuchi, MJ Coak, H Kim, J Kim, ...
2D Materials 7 (4), 041005, 2020
Spin transport in non-magnetic nano-structures induced by non-local spin injection
H Idzuchi, Y Fukuma, YC Otani
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 68, 239-263, 2015
Increased Curie temperature and enhanced perpendicular magneto anisotropy of Cr2Ge2Te6/NiO heterostructures
H Idzuchi, AE Llacsahuanga Allcca, XC Pan, K Tanigaki, YP Chen
Applied Physics Letters 115 (23), 232403, 2019
Spin relaxation mechanism in silver nanowires covered with MgO protection layer
H Idzuchi, Y Fukuma, L Wang, Y Otani
Applied Physics Letters 101 (2), 022415, 2012
Unconventional supercurrent phase in Ising superconductor Josephson junction with atomically thin magnetic insulator
H Idzuchi, F Pientka, KF Huang, K Harada, Ö Gül, YJ Shin, LT Nguyen, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1-8, 2021
Effect of anisotropic spin absorption on the Hanle effect in lateral spin valves
H Idzuchi, Y Fukuma, S Takahashi, S Maekawa, Y Otani
Physical Review B 89 (8), 081308, 2014
Erratum:``Spin injection properties in trilayer graphene lateral spin valves''[Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 033105 (2013)]
YP Liu, H Idzuchi, Y Fukuma, O Rousseau, Y Otani, WS Lew
Applied Physics Letters 102 (7), 9903, 2013
Spin injection properties in trilayer graphene lateral spin valves
YP Liu, H Idzuchi, Y Fukuma, O Rousseau, Y Otani, WS Lew
Applied Physics Letters 102 (3), 033105, 2013
Additional information on Appl. Phys. Lett.
YP Liu, H Idzuchi, Y Fukuma, O Rousseau, Y Otani
Towards coherent spin precession in pure-spin current
H Idzuchi, Y Fukuma, YC Otani
Scientific reports 2, 628, 2012
Demonstration of spin valve effects in silicon nanowires
J Tarun, S Huang, Y Fukuma, H Idzuchi, YC Otani, N Fukata, K Ishibashi, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (7), 07C508, 2011
Effect of annealing on interfacial spin polarization and resistance in Permalloy/MgO/Ag lateral spin valves
L Wang, Y Fukuma, H Idzuchi, G Yu, Y Jiang, YC Otani
Applied Physics Express 4 (9), 093004, 2011
Spin diffusion characteristics in magnesium nanowires
H Idzuchi, Y Fukuma, L Wang, YC Otani
Applied Physics Express 3 (6), 063002, 2010
Insulating conduction in Sn/Si (111): Possibility of a Mott insulating ground state and metallization/localization induced by carrier doping
T Hirahara, T Komorida, Y Gu, F Nakamura, H Idzuchi, H Morikawa, ...
Physical Review B 80 (23), 235419, 2009
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مقالات 1–20