Dr. Mohamed Nour-Eldin Farid Hamad
Dr. Mohamed Nour-Eldin Farid Hamad
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Damietta University
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Cited by
Isolation and identification of Egyptian Ras cheese (Romy) contaminating fungi during ripening period
HM El-Fadaly, SM El-Kadi, MN Hamad, AA Habib
Journal of Microbiology Research 5 (1), 1-10, 2015
Comparative study between traditional Domiati cheese and recombined Feta cheese
MNF Hamad
Indian Journal of Dairy Science 68 (5), 442 - 452, 2015
Toxicity Evaluation and Antimicrobial Activity of Purified Pyocyanin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
SMRES Mohamed N. F. Hamad, Diaa A. Marrez
Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 10 (6), 6974 - 6990, 2020
Physical properties and chemical composition of cow's and buffalo's milk in Qena governorate
AA Hamad, M. N. E. and Baiomy
Journal of food and Dairy Sciences, Mansoura University 7 (July, 2010), 397 …, 2010
Role of Fungal Enzymes in the Biochemistry of Egyptian Ras Cheese during Ripening Period
AAH Husain A. El-Fadaly, Sherif M. El-Kadi, Mohamed N. Hamad
Open Access Library Journal 2 (e1819), 2015
Using Goat’s Milk, Barley Flour, Honey, and Probiotic to Manufacture of Functional Dairy Product
EME Magdy Mohamed Ismail, Mohamed Nour-Eldin Farid Hamad
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 9 (3), 1-15, 2017
Manufacture of Mozzarella cheese using Glucono-Delta-Lactone
MN Ismail,M.M., Ayyad,K.M. and Hamad
Proc. 10th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology, Cairo 19 …, 2007
Chemical, rheological, microbial and microstructural characteristics of jameed made from sheep, goat and cow buttermilk or skim milk
MN Hamad, MM Ismail, RK El-Menawy
Am J Food Sci Nutr Res 3 (4), 46-55, 2016
Influence of Sex and Calf Weight on Milk Yield and Some Chemical Composition in the Egyptian Buffalo's
MM Hamad, M.N.F., El-Moghazy
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2 (3), 22-27, 2015
Quality of Soft Cheese made with Goat's Milk as affected with the Addition of certain Essences
MM Hamad, M. N.F. and Ismail
Journal of food and Dairy Sciences, Mansoura University 2 (April, 2011), 191 …, 2011
In vitro induction of human embryonal carcinoma differentiation by a crude extract of Rhazya stricta
FS Alagrafi, AO Alawad, NM Abutaha, FA Nasr, OA Alhazzaa, SN Alharbi, ...
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 17, 1-13, 2017
Effect of Adding Glucono-δ-Lactone, Different of Starters, Rennet on the Chemical Composition, Yield and Economic Study of Kareish Cheese
MNEF Hamad
International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering 3 (3), 130-140, 2015
Chemical and Microbial Characterizations of Bio-Yoghurt Made Using ABT Culture, Cow Milk and Coconut Milk
MNEFH Sherif Lotfy El-Kadi, Magdy Mohamed Ismail
EC MICROBIOLOGY 5 (3), 109-124, 2017
Effect of Volatile Oils on Fungal Growth and Their Toxins Production
AH Husain El-Fadaly, Sherif El-Kadi, Mohamed Hamad
SF J Mycology 1 (2), 1-7, 2018
Effect of Goat's Milk Supplementation with Tamr on Free Fatty Acids, Antioxidant Activity, and Probiotic Bacteria of Bio-Rayeb Milk
MMIEME Mohamed N. F. Hamad
Journal of Dietary Supplements 14 (7), 1-16, 2017
Impact of innovative formson the chemical composition and rheological properties of jameed
MNE Hamad, MM Ismail, RK El-Menawy
J Nutr Health Food Eng 6 (1), 00189, 2017
Effect of Moisture Content on the Quality of Process Cheese Spread
MM Hamad,M.N. and Ismail
Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science 37 (December, 2009), 255 – 262, 2009
Quality of rayeb milk fortified with tamr and honey
M Ismail, M Hamad, EM Elraghy
British Food Journal 120 (2), 499-514, 2018
Sustainability of higher educational buildings: retrofitting measures to enhance energy performance—the case of AASTMT business management school building, Egypt
M Aboulnaga, A Wanas, M Hammad, M Hussein
Mediterranean Green Buildings & Renewable Energy: Selected Papers from the …, 2017
Improvement of some Rheological Characteristics of Jameed by Adding Whey Protein
MNEFHRKEM Magdy Mohamed Ismail
Current Research in Dairy Sciences 9 (1), 1-8, 2017
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Articles 1–20