Min Wu
Min Wu
Professor, IEEE Fellow, China University of Geosciences
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Delay-dependent criteria for robust stability of time-varying delay systems
M Wu, Y He, JH She, GP Liu
Automatica 40 (8), 1435-1439, 2004
Delay-range-dependent stability for systems with time-varying delay
Y He, QG Wang, C Lin, M Wu
Automatica 43 (2), 371-376, 2007
Parameter-dependent Lyapunov functional for stability of time-delay systems with polytopic-type uncertainties
Y He, M Wu, JH She, GP Liu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control 49 (5), 828-832, 2004
Delay-dependent robust stability criteria for uncertain neutral systems with mixed delays
Y He, M Wu, JH She, GP Liu
Systems & control letters 51 (1), 57-65, 2004
Free-matrix-based integral inequality for stability analysis of systems with time-varying delay
HB Zeng, Y He, M Wu, J She
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (10), 2768-2772, 2015
Delay-dependent stabilization of linear systems with time-varying state and input delays
XM Zhang, M Wu, JH She, Y He
Automatica 41 (8), 1405-1412, 2005
Improving disturbance-rejection performance based on an equivalent-input-disturbance approach
JH She, M Fang, Y Ohyama, H Hashimoto, M Wu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (1), 380-389, 2008
Stability analysis and robust control of time-delay systems
M Wu, Y He, JH She
Springer, 2010
New delay-dependent stability criteria and stabilizing method for neutral systems
M Wu, Y He, JH She
IEEE transactions on automatic control 49 (12), 2266-2271, 2004
An extended reciprocally convex matrix inequality for stability analysis of systems with time-varying delay
CK Zhang, Y He, L Jiang, M Wu, QG Wang
Automatica 85, 481-485, 2017
Delay-dependent robust load frequency control for time delay power systems
CK Zhang, L Jiang, QH Wu, Y He, M Wu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (3), 2192-2201, 2013
New results on stability analysis for systems with discrete distributed delay
HB Zeng, Y He, M Wu, J She
Automatica 60, 189-192, 2015
Output feedback stabilization for a discrete-time system with a time-varying delay
Y He, M Wu, GP Liu, JH She
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 53 (10), 2372-2377, 2008
Stability analysis for neural networks with time-varying interval delay
Y He, GP Liu, D Rees, M Wu
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18 (6), 1850-1854, 2007
Augmented Lyapunov functional and delay‐dependent stability criteria for neutral systems
Y He, QG Wang, C Lin, M Wu
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2005
Stabilization for Markovian jump systems with partial information on transition probability based on free-connection weighting matrices
Y Zhang, Y He, M Wu, J Zhang
Automatica 47 (1), 79-84, 2011
Notes on stability of time-delay systems: bounding inequalities and augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals
CK Zhang, Y He, L Jiang, M Wu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (10), 5331-5336, 2016
Stability analysis of systems with time-varying delay via relaxed integral inequalities
CK Zhang, Y He, L Jiang, M Wu, HB Zeng
Systems & Control Letters 92, 52-61, 2016
Speech emotion recognition based on feature selection and extreme learning machine decision tree
ZT Liu, M Wu, WH Cao, JW Mao, JP Xu, GZ Tan
Neurocomputing 273, 271-280, 2018
Cationic nanocarriers induce cell necrosis through impairment of Na+/K+-ATPase and cause subsequent inflammatory response
X Wei, B Shao, Z He, T Ye, M Luo, Y Sang, X Liang, W Wang, S Luo, ...
Cell research 25 (2), 237-253, 2015
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Articles 1–20