Graziano Pesole
Graziano Pesole
Professor of Molecular Biology, Universitą degli Studi di Bari and National Research Council
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Cited by
The transcriptional landscape of the mammalian genome
P Carninci, T Kasukawa, S Katayama, J Gough, MC Frith, N Maeda, ...
science 309 (5740), 1559-1563, 2005
The grapevine genome sequence suggests ancestral hexaploidization in major angiosperm phyla
nature 449 (7161), 463-467, 2007
Evolution of genes and genomes on the Drosophila phylogeny
AG Clark, MB Eisen, DR Smith, CM Bergman, B Oliver, TA Markow, ...
Nature 450 (7167), 203-18, 2007
Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs
RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group Phase I Team: Carninci P. 2 Hayatsu ...
Nature 420 (6915), 563-573, 2002
Assessing computational tools for the discovery of transcription factor binding sites
M Tompa, N Li, TL Bailey, GM Church, B De Moor, E Eskin, AV Favorov, ...
Nature biotechnology 23 (1), 137-144, 2005
Genome sequence of the metazoan plant-parasitic nematode Meloidogyne incognita
P Abad, J Gouzy, JM Aury, P Castagnone-Sereno, EGJ Danchin, ...
Nature biotechnology 26 (8), 909-915, 2008
Untranslated regions of mRNAs
F Mignone, C Gissi, S Liuni, G Pesole
Genome biology 3, 1-10, 2002
Functional annotation of a full-length mouse cDNA collection
General organizer Hayashizaki Y. yosihide@ gsc. riken. go. uk 1 2 44 b
Nature 409 (6821), 685-690, 2001
Evolution of the mitochondrial genome of Metazoa as exemplified by comparison of congeneric species
C Gissi, F Iannelli, G Pesole
Heredity 101 (4), 301-320, 2008
Mammalian mitochondrial D-loop region structural analysis: identification of new conserved sequences and their functional and evolutionary implications
E Sbisą, F Tanzariello, A Reyes, G Pesole, C Saccone
Gene 205 (1-2), 125-140, 1997
Weeder Web: discovery of transcription factor binding sites in a set of sequences from co-regulated genes
G Pavesi, P Mereghetti, G Mauri, G Pesole
Nucleic acids research 32 (suppl_2), W199-W203, 2004
Evolutionary genomics in Metazoa: the mitochondrial DNA as a model system
C Saccone, C De Giorgi, C Gissi, G Pesole, A Reyes
Gene 238 (1), 195-209, 1999
Nucleotide substitution rate of mammalian mitochondrial genomes
G Pesole, C Gissi, A De Chirico, C Saccone
Journal of molecular evolution 48, 427-434, 1999
Structural and functional features of eukaryotic mRNA untranslated regions
G Pesole, F Mignone, C Gissi, G Grillo, F Licciulli, S Liuni
Gene 276 (1-2), 73-81, 2001
An algorithm for finding signals of unknown length in DNA sequences
G Pavesi, G Mauri, G Pesole
Bioinformatics 17 (suppl_1), S207-S214, 2001
The main regulatory region of mammalian mitochondrial DNA: structure-function model and evolutionary pattern
C Saccone, G Pesole, E Sbisį
Journal of molecular evolution 33, 83-91, 1991
Pscan: finding over-represented transcription factor binding site motifs in sequences from co-regulated or co-expressed genes
F Zambelli, G Pesole, G Pavesi
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_2), W247-W252, 2009
UTRdb and UTRsite: specialized databases of sequences and functional elements of 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions of eukaryotic mRNAs. Update 2002
G Pesole, S Liuni, G Grillo, F Licciulli, F Mignone, C Gissi, C Saccone
Nucleic acids research 30 (1), 335-340, 2002
Asymmetrical directional mutation pressure in the mitochondrial genome of mammals.
A Reyes, C Gissi, G Pesole, C Saccone
Molecular biology and evolution 15 (8), 957-966, 1998
The guinea-pig is not a rodent
AM D'Erchia, C Gissi, G Pesole, C Saccone, U Arnason
Nature 381 (6583), 597-600, 1996
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Articles 1–20