Chengyang Mo
Cited by
Cited by
A modular strategy for distributed, embodied control of electronics-free soft robots
Q He, R Yin, Y Hua, W Jiao, C Mo, H Shu, JR Raney
Science Advances 9 (27), eade9247, 2023
Focusing and mode separation of elastic vector solitons in a 2D soft mechanical metamaterial
B Deng, C Mo, V Tournat, K Bertoldi, JR Raney
Physical Review Letters 123 (1), 024101, 2019
Acoustic emission of deformation twinning in magnesium
C Mo, B Wisner, M Cabal, K Hazeli, KT Ramesh, H El Kadiri, ...
Materials 9 (8), 662, 2016
Cnoidal wave propagation in an elastic metamaterial
C Mo, J Singh, JR Raney, PK Purohit
Physical Review E 100 (1), 013001, 2019
Microstructural evolution and failure in short fiber soft composites: experiments and modeling
C Mo, Y Jiang, JR Raney
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 141, 103973, 2020
Tough, aorta-inspired soft composites
C Mo, H Long, JR Raney
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (28), e2123497119, 2022
Spatial programming of defect distributions to enhance material failure characteristics
C Mo, JR Raney
Extreme Mechanics Letters 34, 100598, 2020
Twinning contributions to strain localizations in magnesium alloys
C Mo, A Kontsos
Materials Science and Engineering: A 722, 206-215, 2018
Finite deformation near a crack tip terminated at an interface between two neo-Hookean sheets
C Mo, JR Raney, JL Bassani
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 104653, 2021
Accelerated design of architected materials with multifidelity Bayesian optimization
C Mo, P Perdikaris, JR Raney
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 149 (6), 04023032, 2023
An integrated approach to model strain localization bands in magnesium alloys
KP Baxevanakis, C Mo, M Cabal, A Kontsos
Computational Mechanics 61, 119-135, 2018
Effect of the fiber-matrix bond on the toughness of soft, short-fiber composites
C Mo, R Yin, H Long, JR Raney
Journal of Composite Materials 57 (4), 521-530, 2023
Direct ink writing of tough, stretchable silicone composites
C Mo, R Yin, J Raney
Soft Matter 18 (38), 7341-7347, 2022
Nonlinear waves at the free surface of flexible mechanical metamaterials
B Deng, H Shu, J Li, C Mo, JR Raney, V Tournat, K Bertoldi
Applied Physics Letters 123 (1), 2023
Control Method For Compliant Robots
Q He, R Yin, Y Hua, W Jiao, C Mo, H Shu, JR Raney
US Patent App. 18/173,284, 2025
Accelerated Design of Architected Materials with Geometric Heterogeneity for Enhanced Failure Characteristics
C Mo
University of Pennsylvania, 2022
Expansile devices for treatment of organ prolapse and other applications
CM Jordan Raney, Christopher X. Hong, Max Cioban, Hiromi Yasuda
WO Patent WO2021092289A1, 2021
Direct Monitoring and Quantification of Deformation Twinning in Magnesium Alloys
C Mo
Drexel University, 2017
Microstructure-sensitive Acoustic Emission
BJ Wisner, C Mo, R Whitmore, S Rajaram, A Kontsos
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Articles 1–19