Istvan Robel
Istvan Robel
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Quantum dot solar cells. Harvesting light energy with CdSe nanocrystals molecularly linked to mesoscopic TiO2 films
I Robel, V Subramanian, M Kuno, PV Kamat
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (7), 2385-2393, 2006
Size-Dependent Electron Injection from Excited CdSe Quantum Dots into TiO2 Nanoparticles
I Robel, M Kuno, PV Kamat
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (14), 4136-4137, 2007
Mn2+-Doped Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals with Dual-Color Emission Controlled by Halide Content
W Liu, Q Lin, H Li, K Wu, I Robel, JM Pietryga, VI Klimov
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, 14954–14961, 2016
Controlling the influence of Auger recombination on the performance of quantum-dot light-emitting diodes
WK Bae, YS Park, J Lim, D Lee, LA Padilha, H McDaniel, I Robel, C Lee, ...
Nature Communications 4, 2661, 2013
Spectral and dynamical properties of single excitons, biexcitons, and trions in cesium-lead-halide perovskite quantum dots
N Makarov, S Guo, O Isaienko, W Liu, I Robel, VI Klimov
Nano Letters 16 (4), 2349-2362, 2016
Single‐walled carbon nanotube–CdS nanocomposites as light‐harvesting assemblies: Photoinduced charge‐transfer interactions
I Robel, BA Bunker, PV Kamat
Advanced Materials 17 (20), 2458-2463, 2005
Controlled Alloying of the Core-Shell Interface in CdSe/CdS Quantum Dots for Suppression of Auger Recombination
WK Bae, LA Padilha, YS Park, H McDaniel, I Robel, JM Pietryga, ...
ACS Nano 7 (4), 3411–3419, 2013
Universal size-dependent trend in Auger recombination in direct-gap and indirect-gap semiconductor nanocrystals
I Robel, R Gresback, U Kortshagen, RD Schaller, VI Klimov
Physical Review Letters 102 (17), 177404, 2009
Colloidal synthesis of infrared-emitting germanium nanocrystals
DC Lee, JM Pietryga, I Robel, DJ Werder, RD Schaller, VI Klimov
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (10), 3436-3437, 2009
High‐Sensitivity p–n Junction Photodiodes Based on PbS Nanocrystal Quantum Dots
BN Pal, I Robel, A Mohite, R Laocharoensuk, DJ Werder, VI Klimov
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (8), 1741-1748, 2012
Enhanced carrier multiplication in engineered quasi-type-II quantum dots
CM Cirloganu, LA Padilha, Q Lin, NS Makarov, KA Velizhanin, H Luo, ...
Nature Communications 5, 4148, 2014
Exciton recombination dynamics in CdSe nanowires: Bimolecular to three-carrier Auger kinetics
I Robel, BA Bunker, PV Kamat, M Kuno
Nano Letters 6 (7), 1344-1349, 2006
Heavily doped n-type PbSe and PbS nanocrystals using ground-state charge transfer from cobaltocene
W Koh, AY Koposov, JT Stewart, BN Pal, I Robel, JM Pietryga, VI Klimov
Scientific Reports 3, 2004, 2013
Terahertz all‐optical molecule‐plasmon modulation
J Dintinger, I Robel, PV Kamat, C Genet, TW Ebbesen
Advanced Materials 18 (13), 1645-1648, 2006
Spectroscopic Signatures of Photocharging due to Hot-Carrier Transfer in Solutions of Semiconductor Nanocrystals under Low-Intensity Ultraviolet Excitation
JA McGuire, M Sykora, I Robel, LA Padilha, J Joo, JM Pietryga, VI Klimov
ACS Nano 4 (10), 6087-6097, 2010
Infrared-active heterostructured nanocrystals with ultralong carrier lifetimes
DC Lee, I Robel, JM Pietryga, VI Klimov
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (29), 9960-9962, 2010
Spectral Dependence of Nanocrystal Photoionization Probability: The Role of Hot-Carrier Transfer
LA Padilha, I Robel, DC Lee, P Nagpal, JM Pietryga, VI Klimov
ACS Nano 5 (6), 5045-5055, 2011
Electronic structure of multiquantum giant vortex states in mesoscopic superconducting disks
K Tanaka, I Robel, B Jankó
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (8), 5233-5236, 2002
Perspectives on Designer Photocathodes for X-ray Free-Electron Lasers: Influencing Emission Properties with Heterostructures and Nanoengineered Electronic States
NA Moody, KL Jensen, A Shabaev, SG Lambrakos, J Smedley, ...
Physical Review Applied 10, 047002, 2018
Auger-Up-Conversion of Low-Intensity Infrared Light in Engineered Quantum Dots
NS Makarov, Q Lin, JM Pietryga, I Robel, VI Klimov
ACS Nano 10, 10829–10841, 2016
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مقالات 1–20