Davida Fromm
Davida Fromm
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AphasiaBank: Methods for studying discourse
B MacWhinney, D Fromm, M Forbes, A Holland
Aphasiology 25 (11), 1286-1307, 2011
Alzheimer's dementia recognition through spontaneous speech
S Luz, F Haider, S de la Fuente Garcia, D Fromm, B MacWhinney
Frontiers in computer science 3, 780169, 2021
Treatment efficacy: aphasia
AL Holland, DS Fromm, F DeRuyter, M Stein
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 39 (5), S27-S36, 1996
Speech entrainment enables patients with Broca’s aphasia to produce fluent speech
J Fridriksson, HI Hubbard, SG Hudspeth, AL Holland, L Bonilha, D Fromm, ...
Brain 135 (12), 3815-3829, 2012
Communication activities of daily living: CADL-2
AL Holland, C Frattali, D Fromm
Pro-ed, 1999
Detecting cognitive decline using speech only: The adresso challenge
S Luz, F Haider, S de la Fuente, D Fromm, B MacWhinney
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.09356, 2021
Discourse characteristics in aphasia beyond the Western Aphasia Battery cutoff
D Fromm, M Forbes, A Holland, SG Dalton, J Richardson, B MacWhinney
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 26 (3), 762-768, 2017
A longitudinal study of word-reading ability in Alzheimer's disease: Evidence from the National Adult Reading Test
D Fromm, AL Holland, RD Nebes, MA Oakley
Cortex 27 (3), 367-376, 1991
Functional communication in Alzheimer's disease
D Fromm, AL Holland
Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 54 (4), 535-540, 1989
Automated analysis of the Cinderella story
B MacWhinney, D Fromm, A Holland, M Forbes, H Wright
Aphasiology 24 (6-8), 856-868, 2010
Predictors of language restitution following stroke: A multivariate analysis
AL Holland, JB Greenhouse, D Fromm, CS Swindell
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 32 (2), 232-238, 1989
Long-term recovery in stroke accompanied by aphasia: A reconsideration
A Holland, D Fromm, M Forbes, B MacWhinney
Aphasiology 31 (2), 152-165, 2017
Characteristics of recovery of drawing ability in left and right brain-damaged patients
CS Swindell, AL Holland, D Fromm, JB Greenhouse
Brain and Cognition 7 (1), 16-30, 1988
Various consequences of subcortical stroke: prospective study of 16 consecutive cases
D Fromm, AL Holland, CS Swindell, OM Reinmuth
Archives of Neurology 42 (10), 943-950, 1985
Standardizing assessment of spoken discourse in aphasia: A working group with deliverables
BC Stark, M Dutta, LL Murray, L Bryant, D Fromm, B MacWhinney, ...
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 30 (1S), 491-502, 2021
AphasiaBank: A resource for clinicians
MM Forbes, D Fromm, B MacWhinney
Seminars in speech and language 33 (03), 217-222, 2012
Simultaneous perceptual-physiological method for studying apraxia of speech
D Fromm, JH Abbs, MR McNeil, JC Rosenbek
Clinical Aphasiology: Proceedings of the Conference 1982, 251-262, 1982
Labial coordination in children: Preliminary considerations
KL Watkin, D Fromm
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 75 (2), 629-632, 1984
CADL-2: Communication activities of daily living
AL Holland, C Frattali, D Fromm
Pro-ed, 1999
Spoken discourse assessment and analysis in aphasia: An international survey of current practices
BC Stark, M Dutta, LL Murray, D Fromm, L Bryant, TG Harmon, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 64 (11), 4366-4389, 2021
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Articles 1–20