Theo Käufer
Theo Käufer
PhD student, TU Ilmenau
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OpenPIV/openpiv-python: OpenPIV-Python (v0. 22.2)
A Liberzon, DLM Aubert, P Bachant, T Käufer, JA Bauer, BVC Dallas, ...
accessed 26-04-2022, 2022
Combined particle image velocimetry and thermometry of turbulent superstructures in thermal convection
S Moller, T Käufer, A Pandey, J Schumacher, C Cierpka
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 945, A22, 2022
Stereoscopic PIV measurements using low-cost action cameras
T Käufer, J König, C Cierpka
Experiments in Fluids 62, 1-16, 2021
Thermal boundary condition studies in large aspect ratio Rayleigh–Bénard convection
T Käufer, PP Vieweg, J Schumacher, C Cierpka
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 101, 283-293, 2023
OpenPIV/openpiv-python: OpenPIV-Python (v0. 22.2) with a new extended search PIV grid option
A Liberzon, D Lasagna, M Aubert, P Bachant, T Käufer, BA Jakirkham, ...
Zenodo, 2020
Inferring turbulent velocity and temperature fields and their statistics from Lagrangian velocity measurements using physics-informed Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks
JD Toscano, T Käufer, M Maxey, C Cierpka, GE Karniadakis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.15727, 2024
Volumetric Lagrangian temperature and velocity measurements with thermochromic liquid crystals
T Käufer, C Cierpka
Measurement Science and Technology 35 (3), 035301, 2023
Data-driven estimation of scalar quantities from planar velocity measurements by deep learning applied to temperature in thermal convection
P Teutsch, T Käufer, P Mäder, C Cierpka
Experiments in Fluids 64 (12), 191, 2023
Inferring the temperature from planar velocity measurements in Rayleigh-Bénard convection by deep learning
P Teutsch, T Käufer, P Mäder, C Cierpka
Multi-spectral imaging for Thermochromic Liquid Crystal based Particle Image Thermometry: A proof of concept
T Käufer, S Moller, M Rosenberger, G Notni, C Cierpka
14th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry 1 (1), 2021
Kolmogorov Artificial Intelligence Velocimetry infers hidden temperature from turbulent experimental velocity data
J Toscano, T Käufer, Z Wang, C Cierpka, M Maxey, G Karniadakis
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
Digital twin of a large-aspect-ratio Rayleigh-B\'enard experiment: Role of thermal boundary conditions, measurement errors and uncertainties
PP Vieweg, T Käufer, C Cierpka, J Schumacher
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.08263, 2024
Volumetric Lagrangian Particle Velocity and Temperature Measurements in large aspect ratio Rayleigh-Bénard Convection
T Käufer, C Cierpka
Machine learning-assisted simultaneous measurement of temperature and velocity in thermal convection
T Käufer, P Teutsch, P Mäder, C Cierpka
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Articles 1–14