Serena Salloum
Cited by
Cited by
Trust as a mediator of the relationships between poverty, racial composition, and academic achievement: Evidence from Michigan's public elementary schools
RD Goddard, SJ Salloum, D Berebitsky
Educational administration quarterly 45 (2), 292-311, 2009
The role of collective efficacy in closing student achievement gaps: A mixed methods study of school leadership for excellence and equity
RD Goddard, L Skrla, SJ Salloum
Journal of education for students placed at risk (JESPAR) 22 (4), 220-236, 2017
A multilevel exploratory study of the relationship between teachers' perceptions of principals' instructional support and group norms for instruction in elementary schools
YL Goddard, CM Neumerski, RD Goddard, SJ Salloum, D Berebitsky
The Elementary School Journal 111 (2), 336-357, 2010
M Tschannen-Moran, SJ Salloum, RD Goddard
International Handbook of Research on Teachers' Beliefs, 301, 2014
Collective efficacy beliefs, organizational excellence, and leadership
RD Goddard, SJ Salloum
The relationship between collective efficacy and teachers’ social networks in urban middle schools
D Berebitsky, SJ Salloum
Aera Open 3 (4), 2332858417743927, 2017
From interpretation to instructional practice: A network study of early-career teachers’ sensemaking in the era of accountability pressures and Common Core state standards
KA Frank, J Kim, SJ Salloum, KN Bieda, P Youngs
American Educational Research Journal 57 (6), 2293-2338, 2020
Social capital in schools: A conceptual and empirical analysis of the equity of its distribution and relation to academic achievement
S Salloum, R Goddard, R Larsen
Teachers College Record 119 (7), 1-29, 2017
The changing ecology of the curriculum marketplace in the era of the Common Core State Standards
EM Hodge, SJ Salloum, SL Benko
Journal of Educational Change 20 (4), 425-446, 2019
Resources, learning, and policy: The relative effects of social and financial capital on student learning in schools
SJ Salloum, RD Goddard, D Berebitsky
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) 23 (4), 281-303, 2018
(Un)Commonly Connected: A Social Network Analysis of State Standards Resources for English/Language Arts
EM Hodge, SJ Salloum, SL Benko
AERA Open 2 (4), 1-19, 2016
Tracing states’ messages about Common Core instruction: An analysis of English/language arts and close reading resources
EM Hodge, SL Benko, SJ Salloum
Teachers College Record 122 (3), 1-42, 2020
Collective Efficacy, Social Context, Teachers’ Work, and Student Achievement: A Mixed-Method Study
SJ Salloum
University of Michigan, 2011
The influence of collective efficacy on mathematics instruction in urban schools
D Berebitsky, SJ Salloum
Journal of Research on Organization in Education 1 (1), 61-76, 2017
Building coherence: An investigation of collective efficacy, social context, and how leaders shape teachers’ work
SJ Salloum
American Journal of Education 128 (2), 203-243, 2022
The Coming Out Experiences of Gifted, LGBTQ Students: When, to Whom, and Why Not?
J Tuite, LDV Rubenstein, SJ Salloum
Journal for the Education of the Gifted 44 (4), 366-397, 2021
Policy into practice: Understanding state writing resources
SL Benko, EM Hodge, SJ Salloum
Journal of Literacy Research 52 (2), 136-157, 2020
The influence of academic press on students' mathematics and reading achievement
D Berebitsky, RD Goddard, CM Neumerski, SJ Salloum
Contemporary Challenges Confronting School Leaders, 51-72, 2012
An empirical examination of the importance of relational trust to academic achievement
RD Goddard, S Salloum, D Berebitsky
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San …, 2006
Teacher evaluation, ambitious mathematics instruction, and mathematical knowledge for teaching: Evidence from early-career teachers
J Kim, K Frank, P Youngs, S Salloum, K Bieda
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 53 (3), 181-203, 2022
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Articles 1–20