The curse of dimensionality M Köppen 5th online world conference on soft computing in industrial applications …, 2000 | 392 | 2000 |
Substitute distance assignments in NSGA-II for handling many-objective optimization problems M Köppen, K Yoshida International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, 727-741, 2007 | 312 | 2007 |
Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator RC Wolf, A Ali, A Alonso, J Baldzuhn, C Beidler, M Beurskens, ... Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102020, 2017 | 227 | 2017 |
Personal mobility in metaverse with autonomous vehicles using Q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets based OPA-RAFSI model M Deveci, D Pamucar, I Gokasar, M Köppen, BB Gupta IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (12), 15642-15651, 2022 | 185 | 2022 |
A metaverse assessment model for sustainable transportation using ordinal priority approach and Aczel-Alsina norms D Pamucar, M Deveci, I Gokasar, M Tavana, M Köppen Technological Forecasting and Social Change 182, 121778, 2022 | 183 | 2022 |
Detecting malicious URLs using machine learning techniques F Vanhoenshoven, G Nápoles, R Falcon, K Vanhoof, M Köppen 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-8, 2016 | 154 | 2016 |
Fuzzy-pareto-dominance and its application in evolutionary multi-objective optimization M Köppen, R Vicente-Garcia, B Nickolay International conference on evolutionary multi-criterion optimization, 399-412, 2005 | 130 | 2005 |
Technical challenges in the construction of the steady-state stellarator Wendelstein 7-X HS Bosch, RC Wolf, T Andreeva, J Baldzuhn, D Birus, T Bluhm, T Bräuer, ... Nuclear Fusion 53 (12), 126001, 2013 | 128 | 2013 |
A computer-based system to support forensic studies on handwritten documents K Franke, M Köppen International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 3, 218-231, 2001 | 124 | 2001 |
Remarks on a recent paper on the no free lunch theorems M Koppen, DH Wolpert, WG Macready Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on 5 (3), 295-296, 2001 | 94 | 2001 |
An extended hesitant fuzzy set using SWARA-MULTIMOORA approach to adapt online education for the control of the pandemic spread of COVID-19 in higher education institutions MK Saraji, A Mardani, M Köppen, AR Mishra, P Rani Artificial Intelligence Review 55 (1), 181-206, 2022 | 69 | 2022 |
On the training of a Kolmogorov Network M Köppen Artificial Neural Networks—ICANN 2002: International Conference Madrid …, 2002 | 64 | 2002 |
Evaluation of Metaverse traffic safety implementations using fuzzy Einstein based logarithmic methodology of additive weights and TOPSIS method M Deveci, D Pamucar, I Gokasar, M Köppen, BB Gupta, T Daim Technological Forecasting and Social Change 194, 122681, 2023 | 60 | 2023 |
Feature extraction for cocoa bean digital image classification prediction for smart farming application Y Adhitya, SW Prakosa, M Köppen, JS Leu Agronomy 10 (11), 1642, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
Many-objective particle swarm optimization by gradual leader selection M Köppen, K Yoshida International conference on adaptive and natural computing algorithms, 323-331, 2007 | 52 | 2007 |
Evaluation of metaverse integration alternatives of sharing economy in transportation using fuzzy Schweizer-Sklar based ordinal priority approach D Pamucar, M Deveci, I Gokasar, D Delen, M Köppen, W Pedrycz Decision support systems 171, 113944, 2023 | 51 | 2023 |
Prioritizing transport planning strategies for freight companies towards zero carbon emission using ordinal priority approach D Pamucar, M Deveci, I Gokasar, L Martínez, M Köppen Computers & Industrial Engineering 169, 108259, 2022 | 50 | 2022 |
Fuzzy–Subsethood based Color Image Processing M Koppen, C Nowack, G Rosel Proc of the 11th Scadina Vian Conference on Image Analysis. Kanger-Lussnag …, 1999 | 49* | 1999 |
Design and application of hybrid intelligent systems A Abraham, M Köppen, K Franke IOS, 2003 | 47 | 2003 |
Soft-biometrics: Soft-computing technologies for biometric-applications K Franke, J Ruiz-del-Solar Advances in Soft Computing—AFSS 2002, 289-306, 2002 | 44 | 2002 |