Jessica Green
Jessica Green
Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of South Carolina
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Rhythms of consciousness: binocular rivalry reveals large-scale oscillatory network dynamics mediating visual perception
SM Doesburg, JJ Green, JJ McDonald, LM Ward
PloS one 4 (7), e6142, 2009
From local inhibition to long-range integration: a functional dissociation of alpha-band synchronization across cortical scales in visuospatial attention
SM Doesburg, JJ Green, JJ McDonald, LM Ward
Brain research 1303, 97-110, 2009
Electrical neuroimaging reveals timing of attentional control activity in human brain
JJ Green, JJ McDonald
PLoS Biology 6 (4), e81, 2008
On the electrophysiological evidence for the capture of visual attention.
JJ McDonald, JJ Green, A Jannati, V Di Lollo
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 39 (3), 849, 2013
Theta modulation of inter-regional gamma synchronization during auditory attention control
SM Doesburg, JJ Green, JJ McDonald, LM Ward
Brain research 1431, 77-85, 2012
Inhibition of return in the covert deployment of attention: Evidence from human electrophysiology
JJ McDonald, C Hickey, JJ Green, JC Whitman
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (4), 725-733, 2009
Electrical neuroimaging of voluntary audiospatial attention: evidence for a supramodal attention control network
JJ Green, SM Doesburg, LM Ward, JJ McDonald
Journal of neuroscience 31 (10), 3560-3564, 2011
Cortical and subcortical coordination of visual spatial attention revealed by simultaneous EEG–fMRI recording
JJ Green, CN Boehler, KC Roberts, LC Chen, RM Krebs, AW Song, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (33), 7803-7810, 2017
Lateralized frontal activity elicited by attention‐directing visual and auditory cues
JJ Green, JA Conder, JJ McDonald
Psychophysiology 45 (4), 579-587, 2008
An event‐related potential study of supramodal attentional control and crossmodal attention effects
JJ Green, JJ McDonald
Psychophysiology 43 (2), 161-171, 2006
Control mechanisms mediating shifts of attention in auditory and visual space: a spatio-temporal ERP analysis
JJ Green, WA Teder-Sälejärvi, JJ McDonald
Experimental Brain Research 166, 358-369, 2005
The effects of attention on the temporal integration of multisensory stimuli
SE Donohue, JJ Green, MG Woldorff
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 9, 32, 2015
Isolating event-related potential components associated with voluntary control of visuo-spatial attention
JJ McDonald, JJ Green
Brain research 1227, 96-109, 2008
Resolving conflicting views: Gaze and arrow cues do not trigger rapid reflexive shifts of attention
JJ Green, ML Gamble, MG Woldorff
Visual cognition 21 (1), 61-71, 2013
Audiovisual integration in the human brain: a coordinate-based meta-analysis
C Gao, JJ Green, X Yang, S Oh, J Kim, SV Shinkareva
Cerebral Cortex 33 (9), 5574-5584, 2023
Arrow-elicited cueing effects at short intervals: Rapid attentional orienting or cue-target stimulus conflict?
JJ Green, MG Woldorff
Cognition 122 (1), 96-101, 2012
The role of temporal predictability in the anticipatory biasing of sensory cortex during visuospatial shifts of attention
JJ Green, JJ McDonald
Psychophysiology 47 (6), 1057-1065, 2010
Cross-modal spatial cueing of attention influences visual perception
JJ McDonald, JJ Green, VS Störmer, SA Hillyard
The neural bases of multisensory processes, 2012
Temporal dynamics of audiovisual affective processing
C Gao, DH Wedell, JJ Green, X Jia, X Mao, C Guo, SV Shinkareva
Biological psychology 139, 59-72, 2018
Tracking the voluntary control of auditory spatial attention with event‐related brain potentials
VS Stoermer, JJ Green, JJ McDonald
Psychophysiology 46 (2), 357-366, 2009
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Articles 1–20