Hamid A. Jalab
Hamid A. Jalab
Information and Communication Technology Research Group, Al-Ayen UniversityScientific Research
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Cited by
Classification of Covid-19 coronavirus, pneumonia and healthy lungs in CT scans using Q-deformed entropy and deep learning features
AM Hasan, MM Al-Jawad, HA Jalab, H Shaiba, RW Ibrahim, ...
Entropy 22 (5), 517, 2020
Image retrieval system based on color layout descriptor and Gabor filters
HA Jalab
2011 IEEE Conference on Open Systems, 32-36, 2011
Combining deep and handcrafted image features for MRI brain scan classification
AM Hasan, HA Jalab, F Meziane, H Kahtan, AS Al-Ahmad
IEEE Access 7, 79959-79967, 2019
Robust watermarking algorithm for digital images using discrete wavelet and probabilistic neural network
ALN Yahya, HA Jalab, A Wahid, RM Noor
Journal of King saud university-Computer and Information sciences 27 (4 …, 2015
Anti-spoofing method for fingerprint recognition using patch based deep learning machine
DM Uliyan, S Sadeghi, HA Jalab
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 23 (2), 264-273, 2020
Overview of textual anti-spam filtering techniques
T Subramaniam, HA Jalab, AY Taqa
Int. J. Phys. Sci 5 (12), 1869-1882, 2010
Riesz fractional based model for enhancing license plate detection and recognition
KS Raghunandan, P Shivakumara, HA Jalab, RW Ibrahim, GH Kumar, ...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 28 (9), 2276-2288, 2017
Segmentation of brain tumors in MRI images using three-dimensional active contour without edge
AM Hasan, F Meziane, R Aspin, HA Jalab
Symmetry 8 (11), 132, 2016
Hiding data in video file: An overview
AK Al-Frajat, HA Jalab, ZM Kasirun, AA Zaidan, BB Zaidan
Journal of Applied Sciences(Faisalabad) 10 (15), 1644-1649, 2010
Extracting features from online software reviews to aid requirements reuse
NH Bakar, ZM Kasirun, N Salleh, HA Jalab
Applied Soft Computing 49, 1297-1315, 2016
Fractional Alexander polynomials for image denoising
HA Jalab, RW Ibrahim
Signal Processing 107, 340-354, 2015
A survey on skin detection in colored images
S Naji, HA Jalab, SA Kareem
Artificial Intelligence Review 52, 1041-1087, 2019
Skin segmentation based on multi pixel color clustering models
SA Naji, R Zainuddin, HA Jalab
Digital Signal Processing 22 (6), 933-940, 2012
Texture enhancement for medical images based on fractional differential masks
HA Jalab, RW Ibrahim
Discrete dynamics in nature and society 2013 (1), 618536, 2013
Texture Enhancement Based on the Savitzky‐Golay Fractional Differential Operator
HA Jalab, RW Ibrahim
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 149289, 2013
Increasing the reliability of skin detectors
AY Taqa, HA Jalab
Scientific Research and Essays 5 (17), 2480-2490, 2010
A novel forged blurred region detection system for image forensic applications
DM Uliyan, HA Jalab, AWA Wahab, P Shivakumara, S Sadeghi
Expert Systems with Applications 64, 1-10, 2016
Copy move image forgery detection using Hessian and center symmetric local binary pattern
DM Uliyan, HA Jalab, AWA Wahab
2015 IEEE conference on open systems (ICOS), 7-11, 2015
A medical image enhancement based on generalized class of fractional partial differential equations
RW Ibrahim, HA Jalab, FK Karim, E Alabdulkreem, MN Ayub
Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery 12 (1), 172, 2022
Existence of Ulam stability for iterative fractional differential equations based on fractional entropy
RW Ibrahim, HA Jalab
Entropy 17 (5), 3172-3181, 2015
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Articles 1–20