Design experiments in educational research P Cobb, J Confrey, A DiSessa, R Lehrer, L Schauble Educational researcher 32 (1), 9-13, 2003 | 6731 | 2003 |
Chapter 8: What constructivism implies for teaching J Confrey Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Monograph 4, 107-210, 1990 | 829 | 1990 |
Chapter 1: A review of the research on student conceptions in mathematics, science, and programming J Confrey Review of research in education 16 (1), 3-56, 1990 | 785 | 1990 |
Splitting, covariation, and their role in the development of exponential functions J Confrey, E Smith Journal for research in mathematics education 26 (1), 66-86, 1995 | 698 | 1995 |
Exponential functions, rates of change, and the multiplicative unit J Confrey, E Smith Educational Studies in mathematics 26, 135-164, 1994 | 522 | 1994 |
The evolution of design studies as methodology J Confrey na, 2006 | 508 | 2006 |
On evaluating curricular effectiveness: Judging the quality of K-12 mathematics evaluations National Research Council | 497* | 2004 |
Learning trajectory based instruction: Toward a theory of teaching P Sztajn, J Confrey, PH Wilson, C Edgington Educational researcher 41 (5), 147-156, 2012 | 471 | 2012 |
Splitting, similarity, and rate of change: A new approach to multiplication and exponential functions J Confrey The development of multiplicative reasoning in the learning of mathematics …, 1994 | 364 | 1994 |
Transformative teaching experiments through conjecture-driven research design J Confrey, A Lachance Handbook of research design in mathematics and science education, 231-265, 2012 | 353 | 2012 |
How compatible are radical constructivism, sociocultural approaches, and social constructivism? J Confrey Constructivism in education, 185-226, 2012 | 338 | 2012 |
A theory of intellectual development J Confrey for the learning of mathematics 15 (1), 38-48, 1995 | 318 | 1995 |
Design research with a focus on learning processes: An overview on achievements and challenges S Prediger, K Gravemeijer, J Confrey ZDM 47, 877-891, 2015 | 305 | 2015 |
The development of multiplicative reasoning in the learning of mathematics G Harel, J Confrey State University of New York Press, 1994 | 285 | 1994 |
Equipartitioning/splitting as a foundation of rational number reasoning using learning trajectories J Confrey, A Maloney, K Nguyen, G Mojica, M Myers Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the …, 2009 | 280 | 2009 |
Learning to listen: A student’s understanding of powers of ten J Confrey Radical constructivism in mathematics education, 111-138, 1991 | 270 | 1991 |
A thirty-year reflection on constructivism in mathematics education in PME J Confrey, S Kazak Handbook of research on the psychology of mathematics education, 305-345, 2006 | 218 | 2006 |
Learning trajectories in teacher education: Supporting teachers’ understandings of students’ mathematical thinking PH Wilson, GF Mojica, J Confrey The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 32 (2), 103-121, 2013 | 217 | 2013 |
A framework for functions: Prototypes, multiple representations, and transformations J Confrey, E Smith Proceedings of the 13th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of The …, 1991 | 185 | 1991 |
A student's construction of transformations of functions in a multiple representational environment MC Borba, J Confrey Educational Studies in Mathematics 31 (3), 319-337, 1996 | 165 | 1996 |