Jana Visnovska
Cited by
Cited by
Learning from and adapting the theory of realistic mathematics education
P Cobb, Q Zhao, J Visnovska
Éducation et didactique, 105-124, 2008
Understanding the role of the institutional context in the relationship between teachers and text
K McClain, Q Zhao, J Visnovska
Mathematics teachers at work, 76-89, 2011
Unit fractions in the context of proportionality: supporting students' reasoning about the inverse order relationship
JL Cortina, J Visnovska, C Zuniga
Mathematics Education Research Journal 26, 79-99, 2014
Research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources: Advances and issues
L Fan, L Trouche, C Qi, S Rezat, J Visnovska
Springer, 2018
La equipartición como obstáculo didáctico en la enseñanza de las fracciones
JL Cortina, C Zúñiga, J Visnovska
Educ. mat, 7-29, 2013
Classroom video in teacher professional development program: community documentational genesis perspective
J Visnovska, P Cobb
ZDM, 1-13, 2013
Mathematics teachers as instructional designers: What does it take?
J Visnovska, P Cobb, C Dean
From Text to 'Lived' Resources, 323-341, 2012
Learning about whole-class scaffolding from a teacher professional development study
J Visnovska, P Cobb
Zdm 47, 1133-1145, 2015
What does it mean for an instructional task to be effective
LL Hodge, J Visnovska, Q Zhao, P Cobb
Proceedings of the 30th annual meeting of the Mathematics Education Research …, 2007
Equipartition as a didactical obstacle in fraction instruction
JL Cortina, J Višňovská, C Zúñiga
Acta Didactica Universitatis Comenianae Mathematics 14 (1), 1-18, 2014
Present research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources in ICME-13: Conclusion and perspectives
S Rezat, J Visnovska, L Trouche, C Qi, L Fan
Research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources: advances and …, 2018
An Alternative Starting Point for Fraction Instruction
JL Cortina, C Zúñiga, J Višňovská
International Journal for Mathematics Teaching & Learning, 2015
Supporting mathematics teachers' learning: Building on current instructional practices to achieve a professional development agenda
J Visnovska
Vanderbilt University, 2009
Analysis of mathematics textbook use: An argument for combining horizontal, vertical, and contextual analyses
D Rahimah, J Visnovska
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1731 (1), 012048, 2021
Introduction: Research in mathematics education in Australasia 2012–2015
K Makar, S Dole, J Visnovska, M Goos, A Bennison, K Fry
Research in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2012-2015, 1-12, 2016
Instructional design in pursuing equity: The case of the ‘fraction as measure’sequence
JL Cortina, J Visnovska, M Graven, P Vale
On the history of units in French elementary school arithmetic: The case of proportionality
C Chambris, J Visnovska
Historia Mathematica 59, 99-118, 2022
Supporting shifts in teachers’ views of a classroom statistical activity: problem context in teaching statistics
J Visnovska, P Cobb
Mathematical thinking and learning 21 (4), 285-305, 2019
Learning about building mathematics instruction from students’ reasoning: a professional development study
J Visnovska, P Cobb
Proceedings of the 32nd annual meeting of the Mathematics Education Research …, 2009
Supporting the mathematics learning of a professional teaching community: Focusing on teachers’ instructional reality
Q Zhao, J Visnovska, P Cobb, K McClain
Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference, 2006
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Articles 1–20