Ivan Tomljenović
Ivan Tomljenović
Oikon d.o.o.
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Ontology-based classification of building types detected from airborne laser scanning data
M Belgiu, I Tomljenovic, TJ Lampoltshammer, T Blaschke, B Höfle
Remote Sensing 6 (2), 1347-1366, 2014
Building extraction from airborne laser scanning data: An analysis of the state of the art
I Tomljenovic, B Höfle, D Tiede, T Blaschke
Remote Sensing 7 (4), 3826-3862, 2015
A building extraction approach for Airborne Laser Scanner data utilizing the Object Based Image Analysis paradigm
I Tomljenovic, D Tiede, T Blaschke
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 52 …, 2016
Influence of point cloud density on the results of automated Object-Based building extraction from ALS data
I Tomljenovic, A Rousell
Proceedings of the AGILE'2014 International Conference on Geographic …, 2014
LIDARScapes and OBIA
T Blaschke, I Tomljenović
ASPRS 2012 Annual Conference Sacramento, California, 2012
Assessing emergency response and early recovery using sentiment analysis. the case of Zagreb, Croatia
D Contreras, S Wilkinson, L Fallou, M Landès, I Tomljenovich, R Bossu, ...
GEOBIA methods for LiDAR obtained point clouds
I Tomljenović
Ekscentar, 88-92, 2012
Potential and idiosincrasy of Object-Based Image Analysis for Airborne LiDAR-Based building detection
I Tomljenovic, T Blaschke, B Höfle, D Tiede
South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics 3 (2S …, 2014
GEOINT in natural and technical disasters
M Viher, I Žiža, B Radun, I Tomljenović, M Čvrljak, V Kušan, V Vuković, ...
Proceedings of 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 1CroCEE …, 2021
OBIA and point clouds
T Blaschke, I Tomljenović
GIM international 31 (11), 16-19, 2017
Influence of crisp values on the object-based data extraction procedure from LiDAR data
I Tomljenovic, A Rousell
Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, 2014
Remote sensing in eutrophication monitoring of water bodies using Sentinel 2 imagery
I Ziza, M Mrakovcic, B Radun, A Berta, I Tomljenovic, V Kusan
Fourth regional conference on environmental impact assessment, Vodice …, 2019
LPIS as a basis for automatic land use classification?
I Tomljenović, B Radun, I Ziza, A Berta, V Kusan
Fourth regional conference on environmental impact assessment, Vodice …, 2019
Remote sensing in forest ecosystem monitoring on the area of the planned Danube-Sava multipurpose channel
B Radun, A Berta, Z Mesić, I Ziza, I Tomljenović, V Kušan
Fourth regional conference on environmental impact assessment, Vodice …, 2019
LIDAR for nature protection - Marjan Forest park
A Berta, I Tomljenovic, B Radun, I Ziza, D Car, J Jaksic, D Hatié, I Ljubić, ...
Fourth regional conference on environmental impact assessment, Vodice …, 2019
Importance of road markings quality for autonomous vehicles
I Tomljenović, M Ferko, M Ščukanec, M . Modrić
International Conference on Traffic Development, Logistics & Sustainable …, 2017
Buildings classification from airborne LiDAR point clouds through OBIA and ontology driven approach
I Tomljenovic, M Belgiu, TJ Lampoltshammer
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-11886, 2013
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Articles 1–17