Xin Xu
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Cited by
Microstructural evolution and strain-hardening in TWIP Ti alloys
GH Zhao, X Xu, D Dye, PEJ Rivera-Díaz-del-Castillo
Acta Materialia 183, 155-164, 2020
Effect of heat treatment above the miscibility gap on nanostructure formation due to spinodal decomposition in Fe-52.85 at.% Cr
X Xu, JE Westraadt, J Odqvist, TGA Youngs, SM King, P Hedström
Acta Materialia 145, 347-358, 2018
Design of a high strength, high ductility 12 wt% Mn medium manganese steel with hierarchical deformation behaviour
TWJ Kwok, KM Rahman, X Xu, I Bantounas, JF Kelleher, S Dasari, T Alam, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 139258, 2020
A high-resolution analytical scanning transmission electron microscopy study of the early stages of spinodal decomposition in binary Fe–Cr
JE Westraadt, EJ Olivier, JH Neethling, P Hedström, J Odqvist, X Xu, ...
Materials Characterization 109, 216-221, 2015
Structural characterization of phase separation in Fe-Cr: a current comparison of experimental methods
X Xu, J Odqvist, MH Colliander, M Thuvander, A Steuwer, JE Westraadt, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47 (12), 5942-5952, 2016
Effect of cooling rate after solution treatment on subsequent phase separation during aging of Fe-Cr alloys: A small-angle neutron scattering study
X Xu, J Odqvist, MH Colliander, S King, M Thuvander, A Steuwer, ...
Acta Materialia 134, 221-229, 2017
Nanostructure, microstructure and mechanical properties of duplex stainless steels 25Cr-7 Ni and 22Cr-5Ni (wt.%) aged at 325° C
X Xu, S Wessman, J Odqvist, SM King, P Hedström
Materials Science and Engineering: A 754, 512-520, 2019
Hot deformation behavior and microstructural evolution of beta C titanium alloy in β phase field
XU Xin, L Dong, H BA, Z ZHANG, Y Rui
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 26 (11), 2874-2882, 2016
The study of hot deformation on laser cladding remanufactured 316L stainless steel
Y Liu, Y Wang, X Xu, C Hopper, H Dong, X Wang, H Zhu, J Jiang
Materials & Design 212, 110255, 2021
Facile route to implement transformation strengthening in titanium alloys
G Zhao, X Xu, D Dye, PEJ Rivera-Díaz-del-Castillo, N Petrinic
Scripta Materialia 208, 114362, 2022
Microstructural evolution and anti-corrosion properties of laser cladded Ti based coating on Q235 steel
W Ma, X Xu, Y Xie, Z Bei, Y Yuan, H Yu, D Sun
Surface and Coatings Technology 477, 130383, 2024
Small-angle neutron scattering quantification of phase separation and the corresponding embrittlement of a super duplex stainless steel after long-term aging at 300° C
Y Das, J Liu, S Wessman, X Xu, J Odqvist, S King, P Hedström
Materialia, 100771, 2020
Microstructure Evolution and Tensile Behaviour of a Cold Rolled 8 Wt Pct Mn Medium Manganese Steel
TWJ Kwok, P Gong, X Xu, J Nutter, WM Rainforth, D Dye
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 53 (2), 597-609, 2022
Alloy design by tailoring phase stability in commercial Ti alloys
GH Zhao, XZ Liang, X Xu, MB Gamża, H Mao, DV Louzguine-Luzgin, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 815, 141229, 2021
Tailoring the deformation behaviour of a medium Mn steel through isothermal intercritical annealing
X Xu, TWJ Kwok, P Gong, D Dye
Materialia 22, 101422, 2022
Preparation, microstructure evolution and performance of laser-cladded titanium alloy coating on mild steel
J Si, W Gao, X Xu, S Wang, H Yu, D Sun
Materials Today Communications 33, 104779, 2022
A Scale-up Study on Chemical Segregation and the Effects on Tensile Properties in Two Medium Mn Steel Castings
TWJ Kwok, C Slater, X Xu, C Davis, D Dye
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 53 (2), 585-596, 2022
Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Tensile Property of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn Alloy
Q Wang, X Lei, M Hu, X Xu, R Yang, L Dong
Metals 11 (4), 556, 2021
Deformation behaviour of beta phase with similar chemical composition in beta and alpha+beta titanium alloys
X Xu, I Bantounas, D Dye
Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Titanium 1, 2019
Reveal the hot deformation behaviour and microstructure evolution in additively manufactured 316L stainless steel
Y Liu, C Zhang, Y Wang, X Xu, H Zhu, J Jiang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 861, 144290, 2022
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Articles 1–20