Joyce C Ho
Cited by
Cited by
Using context-aware computing to reduce the perceived burden of interruptions from mobile devices
J Ho, SS Intille
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2005
Marble: high-throughput phenotyping from electronic health records via sparse nonnegative tensor factorization
JC Ho, J Ghosh, J Sun
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2014
Limestone: High-throughput candidate phenotype generation via tensor factorization
JC Ho, J Ghosh, SR Steinhubl, WF Stewart, JC Denny, BA Malin, J Sun
Journal of biomedical informatics 52, 199-211, 2014
Self-attention based molecule representation for predicting drug-target interaction
B Shin, S Park, K Kang, JC Ho
Machine learning for healthcare conference, 230-248, 2019
A dysregulated balance of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory host cytokine response early during therapy predicts persistence and mortality in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia
E Minejima, J Bensman, RC She, WJ Mack, MT Tran, P Ny, M Lou, ...
Critical care medicine 44 (4), 671-679, 2016
Case management system using a medical event forecasting engine
Y Park, J Ho, S Vishwanath
US Patent App. 15/092,738, 2016
Privacy-preserving tensor factorization for collaborative health data analysis
J Ma, Q Zhang, J Lou, JC Ho, L Xiong, X Jiang
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2019
COPA: Constrained PARAFAC2 for sparse & large datasets
A Afshar, I Perros, EE Papalexakis, E Searles, J Ho, J Sun
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2018
Septic shock prediction for patients with missing data
JC Ho, CH Lee, J Ghosh
ACM transactions on management information systems (TMIS) 5 (1), 1-15, 2014
Tackling overfitting in boosting for noisy healthcare data
Y Park, JC Ho
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 33 (7), 2995-3006, 2019
Improving length of stay prediction using a hidden Markov model
M Sotoodeh, JC Ho
AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2019, 425, 2019
Taste: temporal and static tensor factorization for phenotyping electronic health records
A Afshar, I Perros, H Park, C Defilippi, X Yan, W Stewart, J Ho, J Sun
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning, 193-203, 2020
Granite: Diversified, sparse tensor factorization for electronic health record-based phenotyping
J Henderson, JC Ho, AN Kho, JC Denny, BA Malin, J Sun, J Ghosh
2017 IEEE international conference on healthcare informatics (ICHI), 214-223, 2017
SMAT: An attention-based deep learning solution to the automation of schema matching
J Zhang, B Shin, JD Choi, JC Ho
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 25th European Conference …, 2021
Phenotyping through semi-supervised tensor factorization (PSST)
J Henderson, H He, BA Malin, JC Denny, AN Kho, J Ghosh, JC Ho
AMIA annual symposium proceedings 2018, 564, 2018
LogPar: Logistic PARAFAC2 factorization for temporal binary data with missing values
K Yin, A Afshar, JC Ho, WK Cheung, C Zhang, J Sun
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2020
Distributed tensor decomposition for large scale health analytics
H He, J Henderson, JC Ho
The World Wide Web Conference, 659-669, 2019
Imputation-enhanced prediction of septic shock in ICU patients
JC Ho, CH Lee, J Ghosh
Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD workshop on health informatics (HI-KDD12), 18, 2012
CP-ORTHO: An orthogonal tensor factorization framework for spatio-temporal data
A Afshar, JC Ho, B Dilkina, I Perros, EB Khalil, L Xiong, V Sunderam
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on advances …, 2017
Communication efficient federated generalized tensor factorization for collaborative health data analytics
J Ma, Q Zhang, J Lou, L Xiong, JC Ho
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, 171-182, 2021
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Articles 1–20