J Randall Flanagan
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Cited by
Coding and use of tactile signals from the fingertips in object manipulation tasks
RS Johansson, JR Flanagan
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10 (5), 345-359, 2009
Principles of sensorimotor learning
DM Wolpert, J Diedrichsen, JR Flanagan
Nature reviews neuroscience 12 (12), 739-751, 2011
Motor prediction
DM Wolpert, JR Flanagan
Current biology 11 (18), R729-R732, 2001
Eye–hand coordination in object manipulation
RS Johansson, G Westling, A Bäckström, JR Flanagan
Journal of neuroscience 21 (17), 6917-6932, 2001
Perspectives and problems in motor learning
DM Wolpert, Z Ghahramani, JR Flanagan
Trends in cognitive sciences 5 (11), 487-494, 2001
Action plans used in action observation
JR Flanagan, RS Johansson
Nature 424 (6950), 769-771, 2003
The role of internal models in motion planning and control: evidence from grip force adjustments during movements of hand-held loads
JR Flanagan, AM Wing
Journal of Neuroscience 17 (4), 1519-1528, 1997
Independence of perceptual and sensorimotor predictions in the size–weight illusion
JR Flanagan, MA Beltzner
Nature neuroscience 3 (7), 737-741, 2000
Control strategies in object manipulation tasks
JR Flanagan, MC Bowman, RS Johansson
Current opinion in neurobiology 16 (6), 650-659, 2006
Prediction precedes control in motor learning
JR Flanagan, P Vetter, RS Johansson, DM Wolpert
Current biology 13 (2), 146-150, 2003
Modulation of grip force with load force during point-to-point arm movements
JR Flanagan, AM Wing
Experimental brain research 95, 131-143, 1993
Eye–hand coordination during learning of a novel visuomotor task
U Sailer, JR Flanagan, RS Johansson
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (39), 8833-8842, 2005
The stability of precision grip forces during cyclic arm movements with a hand-held load
JR Flanagan, AM Wing
Experimental Brain Research 105, 455-464, 1995
Failure to consolidate the consolidation theory of learning for sensorimotor adaptation tasks
G Caithness, R Osu, P Bays, H Chase, J Klassen, M Kawato, DM Wolpert, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (40), 8662-8671, 2004
Grip-load force coupling: a general control strategy for transporting objects
JR Flanagan, JR Tresilian
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 20, 944-957, 1994
Trajectory adaptation to a nonlinear visuomotor transformation: evidence of motion planning in visually perceived space
JR Flanagan, AK Rao
Journal of neurophysiology 74 (5), 2174-2178, 1995
Decision-making in sensorimotor control
JP Gallivan, CS Chapman, DM Wolpert, JR Flanagan
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 19 (9), 519-534, 2018
Attenuation of self-generated tactile sensations is predictive, not postdictive
PM Bays, JR Flanagan, DM Wolpert
PLoS biology 4 (2), e28, 2006
Perception of the consequences of self-action is temporally tuned and event driven
PM Bays, DM Wolpert, JR Flanagan
Current Biology 15 (12), 1125-1128, 2005
Kinematics and dynamics are not represented independently in motor working memory: evidence from an interference study
C Tong, DM Wolpert, JR Flanagan
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (3), 1108-1113, 2002
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