Mingu Kim
Mingu Kim
Division of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Hansung University
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Lyapunov-based impact time control guidance laws against stationary targets
M Kim, B Jung, B Han, S Lee, Y Kim
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 51 (2), 1111-1122, 2015
Fully autonomous vision-based net-recovery landing system for a fixed-wing UAV
HJ Kim, M Kim, H Lim, C Park, S Yoon, D Lee, H Choi, G Oh, J Park, ...
IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mechatronics 18 (4), 1320-1333, 2013
Three-dimensional salvo attack guidance considering communication delay
S He, M Kim, T Song, D Lin
Aerospace Science and Technology 73, 1-9, 2018
Multiple UAVs nonlinear guidance laws for stationary target observation with waypoint incidence angle constraint
M Kim, Y Kim
International Journal Aeronautical and Space Sciences 14 (1), 67-74, 2013
Lyapunov-based pursuit guidance law with impact angle constraint
M Kim, Y Kim
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 2509-2514, 2014
Adaptive sliding mode control using slack variables for affine underactuated systems
M Kim, Y Kim, J Jun
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 6090-6095, 2012
Three-dimensional path planning for aerial refueling between one tanker and multiple UAVs
Y Yoon, M Kim, Y Kim
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences 19, 1027-1040, 2018
Lyapunov-based three-dimensional terminal angle constrained guidance laws
M Kim, Y Lee, S Lee, Y Kim
Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control: Selected Papers of …, 2015
Optimum design of an SAR satellite constellation considering the revisit time using a genetic algorithm
Y Kim, M Kim, B Han, Y Kim, H Shin
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences 18 (2), 334-343, 2017
The design of GNSS/IMU loosely-coupled integration filter for wearable EPTS of football players
M Kim, C Park, J Yoon
Sensors 23 (4), 1749, 2023
Slack variables generation via QR decomposition for adaptive nonlinear control of affine underactuated systems
M Kim, Y Hong, S Lee, Y Kim
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (17), 188-193, 2016
Error dynamics-based lyapunov guidance law for stationary target observation
M Kim, Y Kim
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 2042-2047, 2011
Analysis of rendezvous guidance laws for autonomous aerial refueling for non-maneuvering and identical speed targets
S Lee, M Kim
Aerospace Science and Technology 121, 107359, 2022
Error dynamics-based guidance law for target observation using multiple UAVs with phase angle constraints via evolutionary algorithms
M Kim
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 32 (6), 1510-1520, 2021
Error dynamics-based guidance law of uavs for target observation under wind disturbance
M Kim, Y Kim
Infotech@ Aerospace 2012, 2593, 2012
Guidance Gain Analysis via Oscillation Motion of Error Dynamics-Based Guidance Law for Stationary Target Observation
M Kim, Y Kim, CG Park
4th European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2011
Error Dynamics-based Guidance Law of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Stationary Target Observation
K Mingu, H Youkyung, A Chaeik, K Youdan
The Proceedings of 2010 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace …, 2010
Turning direction determination using error dynamics-based guidance law for stationary target observation
M Kim, Y Kim
Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 57 (2 …, 2014
Vision-based hardware-in-the loop simulation test of vision-based net-recovery for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles
M Kim, D Lee, J Park, C Park, HJ Kim, Y Kim
Third Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT …, 2011
상보 필터를 이용한 사용자 상체 기울기 인식 전동 휠체어 설계 및 제작
전소율, 염혜경, 최민범, 김민구
제어로봇시스템학회 논문지 28 (1), 6-12, 2022
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Articles 1–20