Chris Forman
Chris Forman
Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University
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Examining the relationship between reviews and sales: The role of reviewer identity disclosure in electronic markets
C Forman, A Ghose, B Wiesenfeld
Information systems research 19 (3), 291-313, 2008
Cocreation of value in a platform ecosystem! The case of enterprise software
M Ceccagnoli, C Forman, P Huang, DJ Wu
MIS quarterly, 263-290, 2012
Competition between local and electronic markets: How the benefit of buying online depends on where you live
C Forman, A Ghose, A Goldfarb
Management science 55 (1), 47-57, 2009
the internet and local wages: a puzzle
chris Forman, avi Goldfarb, shane greenstein
american economic review 102 (1), 556-575, 2012
The Corporate Digital Divide: Determinants of Internet adoption
C Forman
Management Science 51 (4), 641-654, 2005
How did location affect adoption of the commercial Internet? Global village vs. urban leadership
C Forman, A Goldfarb, S Greenstein
Journal of urban Economics 58 (3), 389-420, 2005
The trillion dollar conundrum: Complementarities and health information technology
D Dranove, C Forman, A Goldfarb, S Greenstein
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 6 (4), 239-270, 2014
Appropriability mechanisms and the platform partnership decision: Evidence from enterprise software
P Huang, M Ceccagnoli, C Forman, DJ Wu
Management Science 59 (1), 102-121, 2013
News media channels: Complements or substitutes? Evidence from mobile phone usage
J Xu, C Forman, JB Kim, K Van Ittersum
Journal of Marketing 78 (4), 97-112, 2014
Digital technology adoption and knowledge flows within firms: Can the Internet overcome geographic and technological distance?
C Forman, N Van Zeebroeck
Research policy 48 (8), 103697, 2019
From wires to partners: How the Internet has fostered R&D collaborations within firms
C Forman, N van Zeebroeck
Management Science 58 (8), 1549-1568, 2012
Can vendors influence switching costs and compatibility in an environment with open standards?
PY Chen, C Forman
MIS quarterly, 541-562, 2006
Geographic location and the diffusion of Internet technology
C Forman, A Goldfarb, S Greenstein
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 4 (1), 1-13, 2005
Understanding the inputs into innovation: Do cities substitute for internal firm resources?
C Forman, A Goldfarb, S Greenstein
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 17 (2), 295-316, 2008
Special section introduction—information, technology, and the changing nature of work
C Forman, JL King, K Lyytinen
Information Systems Research 25 (4), 789-795, 2014
Opening up intellectual property strategy: Implications for open source software entry by start-up firms
W Wen, M Ceccagnoli, C Forman
Management Science 62 (9), 2668-2691, 2016
Assessing the impact of RFID on return center logistics
N Langer, C Forman, S Kekre, A Scheller-Wolf
Interfaces 37 (6), 501-514, 2007
Digital dispersion: An industrial and geographic census of commerical internet use
C Forman, A Goldfarb, S Greenstein
National bureau of economic research, 2002
The effect of electronic commerce on geographic purchasing patterns and price dispersion
E Overby, C Forman
Management Science 61 (2), 431-453, 2015
Proactive customer education, customer retention, and demand for technology support: Evidence from a field experiment
GF Retana, C Forman, DJ Wu
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 18 (1), 34-50, 2016
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